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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/03/24 in all areas

  1. You should definitely put your head in a shark.
    6 points
  2. Colour doesn’t really show on account of all the dust on everything at the moment. I plan to make it drive and handle better than 30 years ago. Now coming up with a scarily increasing list of stuff to do.
    6 points
  3. No I took the car in today and they said they don't provide courtesy cars, so I drove it back home. I'm wondering about giving it back to them as it really isn't as stated. Stop start doesn't work Drive away parking brake doesn't work Front parking sensors don't work Sat nav GPS thinks the car is in the sea just south of Western Africa Adblue fault Recall outstanding for an auxiliary heater element A strong smell of exhaust in the cabin if the blowers are on and the car is stationary or moving very slowly So @Six30 does it sound like I've bought a lemon? If so then tomorrow I'll be taking it back and giving it back as I can't afford to have a car that's unreliable especially when it's costing 10k
    6 points
  4. Went out the garage and remembered what i was going to say LOL. Got my swing arm back today looking all shiny probably be fucked after the first ride though.
    5 points
  5. Now I've waded through three pages of buckster and marcels weird courtship my brain has run out my ear and I've forgotten what i was going to say LOL
    5 points
  6. Bought a 38 year old car today. It’s very warm outside, like 29° from a very dusty wind coming from Africa. Won’t ride in this during the weekend.
    5 points
  7. Welbeck Estate lakes. Memorial. Plaque.
    5 points
  8. To give you your credit, you have the “talking shit” part down to a ‘T’.
    5 points
  9. Ding Ding!....Round 2.
    5 points
  10. What is this? Care in the community Friday?
    4 points
  11. I'm never going to be able to explain it in terms simple enough for dumb and dumberer.
    4 points
  12. Ray Winstone.....real hard case! Vinnie Jones is just full of shit!
    4 points
  13. Pair of arse bandits
    4 points
  14. Thinking about a little ride this afternoon, sun is out, but a bit windy.
    4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. No.....I'm the font of all biking knowledge! Except the mechanical shit obviously.
    4 points
  17. The barge bitches have been squabbling and one of them isn’t here now
    4 points
  18. You? No.....that's unlikely now you've turned into a Troll!
    4 points
  19. Seems decent enough here.....but lack of bright blue skies may diminish the general ambience of my photos! But I'll have to live with it I suppose! Got a lot of work on but I will be out Sunday for sure! What about you?
    3 points
  20. I think I've said this before on here but when we got the first Civic the wife's friend said why have you got an old mans car and kept on about it all the time, she had just bought one of those Peugeot 106cc things, it spent almost all of it's first year in the garage and she done more miles in the courteously car than her new car and after the first year she refused to have it back it was a plie of shit i couldn't help rubbing her nose in it every time i was in the civic and seen her
    3 points
  21. My Mrs insists on buying her own cars, fuck me has that cost money over the years. The X3 she's got now had to have a cam chain and clutch/flywheel 3 months after buying and out of warranty. She bought a purple Picarsehole that lunched its head gasket not long after buying and then had a collapsed rear axle six months later, at the time all the other Yummie Mummies had them. She traded my lovely old Volvo V70 for that piece of wank because Volvos are for old men. . She has a champagne taste but a cider budget. For what she paid for the X3 and repairs she could have got a really nice recent Jazz or the like but according to her that wouldn't fit in up the stables. The list goes on and on. Every time it happens she says I have to chose the next car but she just can't let me do it. I have had my E46 for five years, and apart from tyres and servicing I have had to buy one coil pack. Its an old Jalopy but had just 60K on it when I bought it from a retired BMW tech who was going electric. Not saying I am some sort of car guru but I have more sense than she has, dizzy mare.
    3 points
  22. This is just a weird way of finding out who is going to be the giver or the taker isn't it
    3 points
  23. Second hand cars is a bloody mine field, i bought one for the misses back in the late 90's but when driving it the temperature gauge was indicating it was getting hot i checked it out and it showed all signs of a head gasket problem, took it back and they said they fixed it but now the temp gauge didn't move, all the fuckers had done was take the thermostat out and fill the cooling system with rad weld so i took it back and got my cash back the guy was very good about it and even said i could keep the car for a few weeks after i had my cash back to see if it was ok but i just had that gut feeling about it and just moved on. Ended up borrowing some cash and bought a 6 month old Honda Civic from a main dealer still had 3 years warranty on free MOT's for life and it was £3000 cheaper than a new one. Had that one for 17 trouble free years, the MOT's for life didn't last though they backed out on that deal when the new MOT system came in, then we changed that for another 6 month old Honda Civic which was £5000 cheaper than new, we've had this one 10 years now and have no intention of changing it
    3 points
  24. Ok, I’ll say something in a few weeks. It’s been neglected over the last 10 years really, running a lot lazier than I remember, every wearable item feels worn, but it’s still looking good, cruises smoothly and sweet at 130kmh, and sounds great at over 3000. Tires are 20 years old but look 60 I’m hoping the engine has proper compression and doesn’t need opening.
    3 points
  25. As much as I like the car I'm afraid I'm leaning more towards it being a one thing after another car that's going to end up costing more money than I've got to keep right
    3 points
  26. Get your money back now. I can see that car being a ball ache long term. Just feel it in my water
    3 points
  27. Sounds like you shouldn’t have taken it in the first place.
    3 points
  28. No they remained a company, I appreciate that your inferior peanut brain struggles with this stuff. AMF definitely screwed up the quality for a while. Can't say more, busy, I'm in the pub.
    3 points
  29. Got the parents up this weekend, got a hell of alot to do over the weekend with the extra help, but I'll be using the bike for work next week
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Working overnight tonight and Sunday night. Saturday weather is shit but may get out this afternoon as the weather is looking good.
    3 points
  33. In the Village People, none of them was a Harley Davidson but one of them was an Indian.
    3 points
  34. 3 points
  35. Whose trolling now Negatron
    3 points
  36. And then there were two again
    3 points
  37. Cheers mate, Almost hate to say it, but Neevesy likes that POS. Whose opinion should I take his or yours?
    3 points
  38. I would love to get away with buying her a tidy CG but she wants a cool bike (like mine, her words) I have not been able to convince her a CG looks like a Hornet. I would like her to have an XR125 or similar but she won’t have it I have also had chapter and verse about the cool riding gear and look she is going for. Nearly no bike at all after earlier. Had a blazing row with her today, it’s that time of the month when some women go absolutely mental, add ADHD and teenage angst into 5’1” package and you can form a picture. She is the youngest and the Apple of my eye but I could have happily throttled her today. All good now but I am too old for hormonal teenagers . We are both too alike with low flash points, makes for some epic fall outs.
    3 points
  39. You've had your feisty pill this morning. Was it Blue?
    2 points
  40. 2 points
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