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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/24 in all areas

  1. I've looked at it in more detail yesterday...the bike broke down last summer and hasn't run since then...needs a rear tire..chain and sproket...charged up the battery...fuel pump is ready to be replaced..I cracked open the oil drain plug to see if I could see any sigh of coolant being mixed in with the oil...it was due to have another water pump seal when I sold it...I'll be doing that this coming winter..if I'm lucky enough..I won't have to disabled the carbs to clean them....I should be receiving the pump by this coming weekend...
    6 points
  2. On the blacks My bollocks are soaked
    5 points
  3. I heard from busa today, he will be back, he had to take some time out for reasons I am not sure I should share.
    5 points
  4. Do they do pride in prison?
    4 points
  5. Great didn't want to know why he wasn't here just wanted to know he was still going
    4 points
  6. Here ya go Eric , my old 950 and a Scottish castle . Seeing as some people can't be bothered ..............
    4 points
  7. I found some photos of my black 950 @Marcel le Moose Fondler
    4 points
  8. It certainly was! I really liked that bike but too tall.
    4 points
  9. Bike wont start... first job remove baffles... bet it sounds nice now ...oh hang on
    3 points
  10. His dad didn't return the laptop.
    3 points
  11. Yeah village aint the same without the idiot, although I have to commend you for taking on the task in his absence Marcel.
    3 points
  12. A photo of me entering a land where strange peeps live..................
    3 points
  13. Well done, it will be good to see him back
    3 points
  14. No..not s single spec of rust anywheres.....I'll be going over it this coming winter...like replacing fuel lines coolant lines...my priority this summer is just to do a few km just to make sure the engine is still good working condition...
    3 points
  15. Worth having a look around someplace like J&S accessories for gear, there are always deals to be had.
    3 points
  16. I have ordered some Koyo bearings, the ones in there now are Harley and have lasted a whole 7000 miles, hopefully the Koyo’s will be better.
    2 points
  17. Stop playing with it and start the bastard
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Better than Trumps attempt.
    2 points
  20. ...and walls. Don't forget the walls. Fuckin' everywhere....
    2 points
  21. Castles, schmastles - common as shit....
    2 points
  22. Mystery solved, it is the left hand front wheel bearing.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. How rude...lol...
    2 points
  25. First order of business...I've removed the dB killers ...lol.
    2 points
  26. Good to hear....hope everything works out....I miss the twat..lol.
    2 points
  27. I went ahead and bought it without even seing it run..not something I usually do...I've crank it over and everything sounds OK.. I'm just hoping now the only reason he stopped riding it was because of the bad gaz pump and not something else...
    2 points
  28. Some Twat glued this goofy sticker on my now back again top box...lol...check out the size of that monstrosity.. Pete would be prowed.
    2 points
  29. My original Orange 950 was my favourite as I have so many memories associated with it.
    1 point
  30. Patient my friend...I'm not zzzak...it will be running by the end of next week...
    1 point
  31. What you mean .. he wants to be one ? your fucked up
    1 point
  32. so busabeast beat the shit out of him and got nicked for it ?
    1 point
  33. Common place for a stop. Been out looking at walk in showers as Mandi's finding it difficult getting her leg over the bath. Now watching Motogp closely followed by the Brit F1 race
    1 point
  34. Looks familiar.
    1 point
  35. Pride month ?
    1 point
  36. They are so common I don't bother taking pictures anymore.
    1 point
  37. Fuckmine, Pete's playing fun and games from the grave . How did a post from September 14, 2023 flag up as new ???
    1 point
  38. Well after giving it a good wash ...deceided to check out in more detail...one of the package of parts that he returned had sigh of mouse damage..just wanted to make sure nothing worked it's way in the air box....I'm stund now just looking at it the lack of wires and ecu shit...the under seat of the 1290 looks like the deck of a star ship battle cruise compared to this...everything is looking just fine in there..
    1 point
  39. I'll be giving a good spit and shine in the morning...
    1 point
  40. Well I'm a happy camper...it's like I've just found my missing leg ...lol...can't wait to blast a few dirt roads with it now....
    1 point
  41. Another successful and fun ride in the books. Off to Utah in a couple of weeks - more pics of that later.
    1 point
  42. Last day of riding and we left Riverton, WY at 0600 and headed south. Windy as fook today - the interstate was closed at 2:00 PM due to 60+ mph winfs that were blowing motorhomes and truck trailers over. Nasty stuff. Had lots of this to cover on our way...
    1 point
  43. Down the hill outside of Cody, Wyoming...
    1 point
  44. I presume because he gave the copper everything he asked for without any attitude unlike the videos i see on line where everyone goes on about their rights and then wonder why they've been tasered shouting I've done nothing wrong
    1 point
  45. Got out of the house just to ride a bit...
    1 point
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