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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/10/24 in all areas

  1. Hey, if you're keeping Moose as sexual partners they need a bit of land to roam on ...............
    7 points
  2. 5g's.... you bought it with cocaine ?
    6 points
  3. Well a little bimble today...looks like we're going out again tomorrow....temp climbed to 22c today...same for tomorrow...so warm that the fucken black Flys were out...
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. The correct reply would be …… fuck off you big gay assed twat
    4 points
  7. For some reason the first thing that popped into my head when i saw that was the the bird with three tits in total recall no idea why
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. '83 Austrian GP....Salzburgring....Ed, FF, & KR...
    3 points
  10. Few pics from the backyard...my property line follow this line of trees....and from the back yard it goes into about 20 feet where this line of trees wasn't cut...I brought also the next back lots of my next five neighbors going up the street....unbelievable how fast shit grows...I'll eventually play with it in my tractor after I'm retired..
    3 points
  11. Keep yourselves & your kids away from this sh#t!!....
    3 points
  12. Prices vary...now here Prices are low....someone stold it ...I wasn't fast enough...directly from are inpound yard...lol
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. No with used catalytic converters...lol
    2 points
  15. Land is still literally dirt cheap here..it was only valued for the lumber....mind you there’s no access to this land other than from my backyard...if your wondering how much I paid for it...that's with survey and lawyers fee....5 g...
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Originally the house sits on a 1 acre lot....I bought out the peice of land sitting behind my house last year after it was cleared of lumber by the previous land owner....in total ...not sure...I'll take some pics after...I'm thinking 6 or 7 acres possibly more...
    2 points
  18. Few pics from my neighbor place. Lol....first Pic..his dog house where he keeps it locked up during the day....his trailler that been sitting in the same spot for about 6 years and has become a mouse house...it's so rotten the inner roof liner is hanging down...side of the house is a make shift compose pill slash pumking patch...lol.
    2 points
  19. It was a profitable little car...2009 accent...140 k ...paid 200 bucks for the car...sold the car to the Kia forte owner for 600 bucks and charged him 700 bucks plus material to install in his forte....easy money...both cat converters are worth around 300 bucks...
    2 points
  20. Were getting some last minute clement weather...suppose to climb to 20c by noon...might be my last bimble for 2024...have to go to the shop this morning to do the brakes on one of sons car..and remove a catalytic converter off a scrap car ...2009 Hyundai accent before we send it off to the scrap dealer...I've already sold the engine to a buddy of mine and transplanted it into a Kia forte..his engine blew by his owne fault...bad coil and he drove back home witch was about a 3 hour drive on 3 cylinders...
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Snow already about 60 km at higher elevation....
    2 points
  23. Just finished up a couple more drawings for my MetalFab mate....on this chilly morning....19F when I got up--
    2 points
  24. Right in my feelings. Who hurt you?
    2 points
  25. Really? I thought they looked like this.
    2 points
  26. The weekend for me was a trip to Cornwall to do some trail riding with the TRF, I think there were around 25 riders and few including myself brought along their better half, We stayed at a campsite near a place called No mans Land, we were in a static caravan this time very civilised for me. Friday was just a catch-up with some and introductions to others with a few beers. Saturday morning i got up with a muzzy head after the previous nights beer drinking and no water but after a good fry up and a dump i was ready to go. The routes were plotted and lead by someone else so all i had to do was follow on the day. There were three separate groups two groups riding the same route but in different directions and one group doing an easier route. We left the women to fend for themselves and headed off on a what was a cold but sunny morning to the first lane about a mile away from camp, Our intrepid leader hadn't ridden it before so didn't know it was a bit washed out so we had to walk the bikes in some places My body hadn't started running on all cylinders at this point and it felt like i was going to stall At the bottom we all stopped for a rest it was only a short lane but i was a bath of sweat and really out of breath i thought if this is what the rest of the lanes are like i shall be returning to the campsite early, The few miles of road to the next lane cooled me down nicely and i was pleased to find the following lanes were nice and easy sunken roads but a little overgrown so had to duck under low branches and other overgrown bushes. This lane had a slippery rocky section with a step on it quite difficult to get up So while gasping for air after getting up there the smokers light up After the last lane I discovered that the exposed rock on all of the lanes was very slippery and difficult to walk on let alone ride, we had to stop here to sort out one of the lads handguards after he binned it on the rocks (the one with the fag in his hand in the previous photo) Our intrepid leader didn't listen to me when i said keep the visor down in the overgrown lanes and this was his punishment, a bramble was hiding behind a branch and kissed his nose We stopped at Penpoll for a pastie and a drink about mid day, as we finished one of the other groups turned up and after a short chat we were off. the tide was out so sot the crossing was easy here Our leader taking the wrong line here and getting bogged down, his choice of rear tire didn't help ok on the rocks but shit in mud as i followed his line and managed to plough through to the end, the other side was easy as shown in the video. The lanes after this were easy enough fast flowing and uneventful so no photos, then they started getting interesting and have i mentioned before very slippery, Surprisingly my body had caught up and was now running on all cylinders so when we went down this one i didn't feel like i was going to have a Sean when i had to manhandle the bike down it. This lane has been named the pink panther for some reason. the rest of the lanes all had this slippery rock in various forms even on the flat it had you sliding sideways. Here's one of the lads stuck on it And he's up Looks nothing on film Before we moved on a lad turned up on a BMW GS850 going down it we wished him good luck and moved onto some more slippery down hill rocks for a change The strata going diagonally across the trail really made for a difficult ride A short rest before hitting it again further down. Last photo of the day. I was sent ahead on this one, again some real slippery rock to ride up with a step on it and diagonal strata making it real difficult to ride, when i got to this gate i waited for about 15 minutes and no sign of anyone. Tried phoning with no answer so thought they had changed their minds and i decided to go back down to see where they were only find them all stuck on the rock step heading up which meant i had to turn around and do it again it was harder the second time There were a few more lanes after the one above which were uneventful so no stopping for photos. Got back to the campsite around 6pm feeling pretty pumped and could have done some more. loaded the bike and my gear in the marmite wagon before having a shower, after that i couldn't stand up straight and was aching like hell lol a burger from the BBQ and a few beers sorted that out. Woke up refreshed had a fry up and a very windy drive home. Will need to get my fitness up if i return next year as it will probably be two days riding. Our route
    1 point
  27. Evel doin' his thing back in '67.....
    1 point
  28. The Professor @ his office....
    1 point
  29. Tease photo ...................
    1 point
  30. i'd make a scrambles track
    1 point
  31. Don't know what the exchange rate is but you're getting good money for them over there. Having said that, I'm told my ex work mate who used to race mx5s said he can get £600 for the cats off them.
    1 point
  32. look at the land he has... how much land with your place ?
    1 point
  33. My next door hillbilly neighbor is turning his yard into a farm it looks like...only thing missing is a few cows and some pigs...what a fucken mess...yard looks like a tornado went through it...it's a residential area...he's pound to get some complaints..don't really bother me ..but I'll probably get the blaimed when he does...I'll take some pics when the sun comes out...lol.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. The lack of apostrophe on You're kills me And he even says "your food" just before it, to make it worse ...
    1 point
  36. Highly unlikely, I don’t even know the guy.
    1 point
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