It’s pretty much the only sport I’m good at. As I only have a finite number of years left before I’m too decrepit to enjoy it I’m taking every opportunity. The place I go to has empty slopes so you can really hammer along. That said I did bust one of my vertebra 2 years ago, I carried on skiing and didn’t know I’d done it until I went for an MRI for something else a couple of months later only to be asked by the consultant if I’d been in a car crash recently.
I’m rebooked for end of feb to get my back done.
Solar panels up and running yesterday, all 2 of them.
F7 engine stripped. Watery oil in the crankcase, it's getting expensive and a bummer finding parts. Clutch, gearbox and bore looking ok though.
I was supposed to have my spine op tomorrow but it’s been canceled . Too many people with flu and RVS or some such thingy.
On a positive note that does mean I can go skiing at the end of the month which I thought I would miss.