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Everything posted by Six30

  1. I woke up this morning handsome again.. this is getting ridiculous .
  2. how old is the twat .... is he to old to be enticed into a van with Haribo's ?
  3. its the hint of blue that does it
  4. Six30


    you tell me..
  5. Six30


    yeh ..if i get the injectors sorted in time
  6. Six30


    no no no.... not going on Harleys you crazy fool
  7. Six30


    Two trips booked ..Ypres Belgium in August and Atherstone next month ...dont worry one will involve van action . also January next year 7 days in Tenerife , hiring bikes for the week ... rugged individualism at its best
  8. @Sir Fallsalot and @YamaHead perhaps you should get in touch and tell Alan you know better Nemesis Update!! Here’s a little update from great friend of The National Motorcycle Museum and ultra talented engineer and custom bike builder, Allen Millyard on the strip down and rebuild of the legendary, Norton Nemesis. “I have been really busy filming and also getting ready for the London show so I haven’t had an opportunity to have a proper look at the v8 engine just yet. And before I make it go fast, I thought I should make it stop and turn corners! So I’ve stripped out the front end and gone through the brakes and forks replacing seals and oil. I was surprised I could get the fork seals easily online for a fiver each! And the brake seals were regular quad seals and I had some in stock left over from my mountain bike Hyperride shocks that I made a few years ago so it was good that I kept them The Nemesis has the strangest front end I’ve stripped, the wheel can’t be removed without first removing the forks from the bike as a whole assembly and removing the discs from the wheel. The reason being is that half of the front mudguard and whole brake caliper are cast as one with a fork leg. The discs are mounted radially to the rim, so if I try and pull the wheel down the discs hit the calipers and if I raise up the wheel it hits the cast mudguard! Not a great design for maintenance or quick tyre changes… The forks and wheel are back together now and refitted to the bike and I’m pleased that the front brake works nicely, I’ve also sorted the rear brake, so in the next couple of weeks I’ll be taking out the engine for a proper look." Stay tuned for more updates….COMING SOON!
  9. not bad.. i go out in worse mud
  10. ok..do i just say i know the Gammon with the scooter ?
  11. i was there was standing just behind it , posted the video the other day, the video does not do the noise justice ...its proper loud. stupid designed bike, you get a front puncture on it you got to take the forks off, the mudgaurd is part of the forks
  12. just googled Gammon .... thanks Bob There is a new term of abuse in politics: a “gammon”. It refers to a middle-aged white man of a certain political persuasion. He is a Brexiteer. He is ugly. He is a conservative. He may wear hideous trousers. And, because he is a Brexiteer and so very ugly and a conservative who may wear hideous trousers, why not call him a gammon? Particularly if you are in politics to have fun, rather than to change minds.
  13. Probably a bit to far for @Buckster Bob
  14. that looks a cool place Bob ..... did you feel out of place ?
  15. dont rush it ... take it easy
  16. Six30

    Hah !!

    apparently as part of his retirement plan they said he could keep the car... he told them to fuck off
  17. Mrs kerbed a wheel on her car, I said don’t worry sweetheart embrace your mistakes … she then gave me a hug ..
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