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Everything posted by Six30

  1. Six30

    Hells Angels

    one episode a copper got in with them , brave man, it over took his life,
  2. dont you fucking dare .....
  3. what you doing, picking a plot..
  4. Documentary series about Hells Angels on Sky history.... worth a watch. Secrets of the Hells Angels
  5. she must have a Growler the size of a yawning Hippopotamus ....
  6. you notice the disc lock.... like who the fuck would want to nick that
  7. cant you get some one you know to pick it up for you ?
  8. i would not deliver anything with out any money upfront ... get all the way there just for someone to look over it and say no dont want it ,
  9. I’m going to call this one Dildo mill..
  10. Six30

    A must ..

    if they looked on a Friday it would be less than the Monday ..cause Rewind Ron comes round Friday mornings
  11. mingling in nicely no doubt
  12. yes .. but compared to mc donalds which is cheaper ..costa is a better cup of coffee
  13. Six30

    A must ..

    is it really that hard to see what that is .... find your own link.. im walking amongst fucking retards on here.
  14. Might of said about this before … if you not got one get one .. no water left in places , completely dries bike before putting away after washing
  15. I blame who taught her to ride ...
  16. thought it would improve it but...no...my eyes they still burn !
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