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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. I haven't been able to see any of the pics from bike of the month on the home page of the website, how do I change it so I can see them?
  2. A suitable bit of desolate scenery for you all to enjoy, though I do have others that I wonder about being better so would someone give me some feedback on the others so I can choose the winning one
  3. I'd say that's some kind of alien mothership hibernation spot, Mark my words they are coming
  4. How much strawberry ice cream you had so far....
  5. I feel better after less sleep too, im used to having around 5 or 6 but get 7 or 8 and I have a headache for the day.....
  6. Don't think he could cope riding 3 or 4 hours in a day though, im hardcore
  7. Well that just isn't good enough, we need pics or it didn't happen
  8. We did start setting it up but Pete didn't like the idea
  9. What the fuck you getting that for....its hideous and what exactly are you banking on filling it with? It makes no sense
  10. Is there actually a difference in the Welsh accent....it does sound all the same
  11. Late nights....by which you mean in bed by 8pm every night.....
  12. Do a crime and you're rewarded that seems to be the way of the modern world
  13. I think that police can't chase them incase they get hurt should be overturned, they are using them for illegal things so to me they forgo the right to be protected
  14. His soul just departed
  15. I used to work for neuron a couple of years ago and apparently everyone needed a licence to use them but what happened more often than not is a parent would hire the scooter on their account and give it to the kid, also the amount of people who we caught riding them two up was ridiculous, they weren't best pleased when we would drive by and remotely turn them off, but I agree as a trial to get people out of cars it's a failure. Also the unregulated ones are stupid, most of them will do 40mph or more which doesn't bode well for when you come off
  16. What with me and six....
  17. Maybe we should just gatecrash slowly....
  18. I don't eat any chocolate at all
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