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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. Six30 Nothing wrong with being Canadian ?
  2. Round my old neck of the woods then, I used to live in bishop's stortford
  3. Also I just love winding you and six up There will be pics and as I have front and rear camera system on the bike there may be video possibilities
  4. I'm not always a twat.....just 95% of the time
  5. I am a friend of his from a different forum, but I dont always admit that ?. My day has been good on the most part, been up since 6.40am with the little one as she decided she wanted to be up.and about so early only to go back to sleep once I gave her a bottle ? then I had a blockage to clear in the kitchen sink which turned out to be a fatberg in the trap apart from that we just stayed home in the warm. I will hopefully be getting out on the bike tomorrow though it's been a few days since I was last out. Rich
  6. Hi grasshopper, hope all is well
  7. Your on an motorbike forum
  8. Hmmm I'm not so sure you do......I think we need proof of said street cred
  9. Hi mate, as you know I am the epitome of sophistication and entertainment.....much better than six30
  10. Alas we are both out of luck on that one though you didnt even manage it with the sphincter master as your project manager
  11. I know they are more like a fairly good sized car but hey I test rode the hardly worth it agricultural vehicle and I hate them so why not get a ride on one for shits and giggles
  12. Yeah it was just before it all went national news, at the time we had one of our friends staying with us and the 3 of us decided to go out to a pub for some food and drinks and bowling in town......now it wasnt particularly cold but I had lots of clothing on and I was still shivering cold like I'd just been dunked in a frozen pond and whipped with an arctic wind then in the bowling alley I literally went to sleep whilst the wife and friend had a few games of bowling.....and it was extremely loud but I didnt care lol
  13. Good to hear mate, me n the missus are sure we had it before the first wave hit in December 19, I was diagnosed with the norovirus then a kidney infection straight after which is exactly the same symptoms as my aunts work colleague who was diagnosed with covid, when I was ill I lost around 2 stone in weight and was almost admitted to hospital. It wasnt a kind illness but gladly we all have so far got through it all
  14. ? what can I say I like to live dangerously.....makes me feel alive
  15. Yeah haha but.....this is the northeast so anything is possible, though tbh I'm not just a fair weather rider like so many people
  16. Well I have literally just booked a test ride on a goldwing and an Africa twin for provisionally the 25th January so just gna wait and see what the dealership says
  17. Now I hate goldwings and everything they are but the new one doesn't seem to look like a total show boat like the older ones were albeit I wouldnt even consider owning one ever it's always nice to just see what other machines are like
  18. Well back in july last year I did a test ride review on the other forum on a harley street glide special and posted the review of it for another forum member from someone with an unbiased towards the bike mindset
  19. I might just get a test ride on one for shits n giggles
  20. I have been on the other forum constantly since I joined it so I'm sure I can handle anything this place has to offer up but thanks for the warning I will wait with bated breath for a pic of your bum to appear in due course
  21. I can grow a decent 70s porn star tache or so I have been told ?
  22. Bloody auto correct.....
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