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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. FFS..... Genge and sinkler come on and our scrum goes to shit.... Not to mention faz couldn’t keep his mouth in the first half and cost us 3 points
  2. Nah I'm watching the semi finals with England vs South Africa
  3. busabeast


    Had it been Belgian then yes but the Japanese had input and kiboshed the idea
  4. busabeast


    So you have a Belgian Japanese bike.....
  5. Hacienda mayo.... sounds abit gentleman relish like
  6. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't shag... well dmb don't really count, rides around on a Honda, "works like a dog" or so he says. He may aswell give up now what quality of life is he having, I've seen vegetables with more going for them
  7. ... just talking gibberish now
  8. .... thats a nomination for TOTY right there! How can you not know
  9. So you had to sell the gin Palace quick sharp
  10. Well that's just harsh Marcel, do you have a heart
  11. Were the cars electric or just American?
  12. Fucking hell it'll need it with your shaky Chinese fingers
  13. We have no future, our forebears saw to that
  14. I'm not I'll never retire.... it won't be a thing when I get to that age
  15. You see everyone.... retirement is the life, pete has just written it in black and white.... Oh and he's never invited us to his fucking gin Palace the tight fisted bastard! BRUCE...... WHERE ARE YOU BRUCE
  16. I am actually... no pics though im too busy riding
  17. They look like wine making grapes.... not the usual eating kind
  18. No not at the moment.... but if I need the money it would sell for then I'll have to
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