You hand me a "firearm" and i;ll know wether its hot or cold. Thats not something you are told, its something you check for, first. Plus, the crew walked off the set that morning, because? Firearms safety issues...
The way it looks he's going down for this...blatent disregarde for firearm safety. Gods justice, this cunt made his name touting gun control. Hollyweird freaks, and people watch them, none have any life and the one they got shoulfd be taken from them.
Nice night out in the Bay. Cant believe these lights still work.
In the depths you cant fathom the fear, get it? fathom? the fear? I'll get me coat thanks for the offer.
Well, the first one was documented on the second page of the Dayton Daily News, the award was for failure to Evade Enforcement dispite tryng for 15 minutes while raming most police cars off the road,
except the two State Police cars....oh well that ends in cuff and stuff...
end of award report...