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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Ya costly, butt, at least i tried first, or three times, i got really good at removing my carb! The issue is crap in my fuel...
  2. Has to be fake, the funny part was the medical grade reception i got from their staff...lol
  3. Towed the girl in this morning, butt, i pulled a Buck, i forgot my camera, so this never happened. ?
  4. Im calling up and axing if i can just bring her in now that it isnt freaking flooding...
  5. Well, its freaking clean everywhere, except something still isnt right, i can get her started, on the enricher, as i take her off that it goes downhill fast...the motor sounds ok, no knocking sounds...i cleaned it up now the weather friday morning looks like a freaking downpour right when i trailer her in to the shop, fuckmine. My bikes arnt supposed to get wet!
  6. The way every govt freaked out you have to think they know this was a bio weapon and not a naturally occuring organism...imho.
  7. Is it ok to say that was Amazing Grace? lol Welcome!
  8. Problem is this is a 6 gallon tank, for the last year or so me mum was sick and its been a full time gig taking care of her. She's only 88 and claims thats not old ffs...61 feels freaking old butt, man years are 3.7 women years...imho. So to keep the tank from rusting i keep it full...i rode 28 miles last summer....i need a plastic gas tank so i dont a freaking crap about rust. You;re Eka! My KLR needs this!!!!! Cool! https://procycle.us/product/841-gas-tank-ims-66-gallon I want the clear one!!!! I love buying farcles!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. No question to me can be to stupid! Yup, just a metalic screen, almost new, i replaced it a couple years ago with one that wasnt vacuum operated. The inside of my tank looks brand new, not a spc of rust. I emptied it and gave it a good look.
  10. Sure did, stop vibrating at the end of his practice, never got another one....
  11. The American govt thinks i need "stimulation"...now its time for Ire Land to show me some love!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  12. Its official, America is great again, the IRS is sending me $1200...
  13. Id get a new carb butt the prices are insane! Going to take the carb out one more time, im actually getting good at that part....lol
  14. Tym

    Speed Triple R

    I think he was dropped on his head a few times!
  15. Not really, my kawasaki dealer has been cool, so, its just money...
  16. Have no fear the Kawaski dealer is near...lol Made an appointment to trailer the bitch in, this is officially over my pay grade...
  17. You would have more if that Tym jerk didnt sign up! Signed...Tyms Cat.
  18. No i dont Pedro, ive never taken a carb apart to be honest, im just glad its not a piston versus valve battle that no one wins...lol
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