It took a heroic effort mind you, two Kawasaki's, 3 Kawasaki motor's, 3 failed carb rebuilds, one dealerships service truly was ....... > Team < Green here
i have no idea, i just pay the govt tokeep fucking up, permit to live, permit to die, when will justice say they have to suffer too...when will i learn, when will they die....
I;ll take credit for inventing the word "thong" butt, i meant a flip flop not a piece of string. Same thing happened with gay me thinks. LG says so too, huh LG?
Rock, Chuck Berry, Elvis, vietnam, hippies california dreaming, doors, southern rock country western blues, we invented the word sex....herpes....ack 1970' who?Dan? oh God...MTV.....cable? 1980's? Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!