I swear i get more opinions from fat bald guys on this webiste about how to be me, Caty seems to like the way i am, and she has 5 grandchildren and is worth 50 million dollars.
Just saying mine your own cash cows..see what gold you dredge up with what you got, my best guess is y;all have to really work for a living.
I never have had to, just saying.
I like the 10 i got, its nice you can leave it off and hit one button to still take a vid, very handy feature i dont even bother with the remote control anymore.
I might want to go places and ride around butt, "riding around the world" just doesnt make any sense really sounds more like one huge pia and you live like a fucking homeless person
and end up begging on FaceFuck for chit in the middle of fucking nowhere covered in bug bites, whoo hoo loads of fun.
Busy day, did community service, couple loads of wash, the dishes, cooked b fast and lucnh for mum so far...had some time to kill before getting supper ready so i, wait for it!
Went to the beach for a bit to social smoozing with the regulars.