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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Tym


    Getting Kawasaki's bean counters to ok disc brakes was a brutal fight down at Corporate let me tell you....lol
  2. I could train your cat not to bite strangers!
  3. They loved me at ADV rider.
  4. WTF, StateSide we had the million dollar man on the telly jumping buildings during the 1970's! Your NHS is way behind hollyweird!
  5. Oh no, dont these people have weird toilets? I need a mask!
  6. I was expecting a hot german chick who wanted to whip men into ...and what? Ban hammmer!!!!!!!!!!! Ban ban ban ban ban!!!!!!! Or not just saying, where are all the hot german chicks at? lol
  7. Its not my fault y;all dont speak "american", see, if you spell well and can pronounce words properly...no EU for You! LOL...
  8. This is why im glad i have a valid EU passport!
  9. Tym


    Well, ive had a 2003 klr since 2002, what could be worse? lol
  10. Wow, how are these tour people surviving with no tourists! Good luck Max!
  11. Id love the vtwin part, just hate the look.
  12. Tym


    Why should i let real world experience's cloud my prejudices! On the internet no less arg!!!! My mind melted! lol
  13. Tym


    Dont quote my but i read they are using soy products in wiring hoses and other parts...like bait for the little buggers
  14. Tym


    I hear rats like to eat all that new green stuff used under the hoods of new cars...lol
  15. Tym

    Welcome emarsh

    Well, i want a red convertible just like Heston had then!
  16. That actually has a title? lol good luck break a spanner!
  17. Tym

    Costa, the dog

    Wish i could have a dog, i cant aford pets medical bills anymore, vet bills are really high here.
  18. Tym

    Welcome Tym

    Insane! No frozen food! This place is doomed!
  19. Tym

    Welcome Tym

    Ya! Needs some work, she stalled out on me the other day!
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