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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Seeing i just spent 10 grand on a tuneup i felt this thread is needed for the emotionally unstable, or soon to be. We are not alone, its just they dont like us.
  2. Suddenly the KLR experience doesnt look so bad. I made it to Deals Gap, canada.... followed @Tammy into the gates of hell, washington DC's beltway on a friday night rush hour...
  3. Thats a great price for a T to be honest, sign me up if they have free shipping.
  4. Can you hear that? The sound of Juan Jesus Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, working late as the shops delivery driver, falling asleep at the wheel, driving over the cliff, with the most perfect GS that ever was.
  5. Turns out those that complain arnt really that sick.
  6. Activity today, no idea if its progress or not. Starting moving a few scoops...trouble is i doubt that will make Connecticuts Environmental Cops happy. I aint happy yet cause mother isnt happy yet.
  7. Is the one he never got.
  8. How is The BMW experience like the Russian experience? You dont own a BMW, a BMW owns you.
  9. The sad results of legalizing mrijuana are coming to light...lol
  10. You want Bob to see your pic's of your wank monkey?
  11. Well, this Joke created a civil war inside the Washington Post, it might be good. "Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if its polar or sexual."
  12. Her tips on how to ride in gravel were priceless, @Tammy learned new ways to wrench on machines from her amazing tool use skills, and did you see howm fast she changed a tyre tube? Amazing.
  13. Oh no....Its so easy to die, its unexplainable we make it this far. Condolences from Connecticut.
  14. No porn channels sorry, mum does like Ed from Matts Towing videos from Moab, however she doesnt trust any of the others becuse their eyeballs never follow the same point of interest so to speak, mormons, wink wink, dont wink, that wasnt a wink thats a mormon blink..
  15. Basic cable no cable news so its the good deal, i dont even know i dont watch tv.
  16. I f they are they are Certified saints seeing how holy they would be.
  17. I hope Six made it out alive.
  18. To get my Cable company to service my cable, i know, i was getting the home shopping network why would mum want to see anyother channel. I had to complain to the Department of Consumer protection for the StateOf Connecticut. Hunters laptop gets better service. FFS!
  19. Aint cheap head thats for sure.
  20. The air cooled ones are my fav.
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