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Everything posted by Tym

  1. If only one then Six.
  2. I nominated two because i havnt had enough coffee yet.
  3. You can smell the polyester from here.
  4. That other website is whats brought the troubles...time for a game, Swagman Tonto and Slowy are English, how did i do?
  5. I remember Juan and aimoo how far do you people go back again? To that other website? Thats your history? pfft.
  6. You havnt tried having a ban hammer of a mod running around playing wack a mole, might be fun to watch.
  7. Looks like you are riding through the Ukraines @Sir Fallsalot
  8. I dunno, you wont like 90% of posters, 100% of the time, your problem may be with this internet of things not Pete's forum, try running your own, how about make Tango a mod for a month, see what unicorn farts can do about the diesel shortage.
  9. Tym

    Listin up

    Mum can tell a barber how to cut my hair in Dutch, so when i heard "heel cort" i knew i was fucked.
  10. Tym

    Listin up

    On the bright side i can find my own food while on an active usaf bombing range in central floriduh
  11. Tym

    Listin up

    Its pronounced "cracker" nowdays.
  12. Tym

    Listin up

    Cock......ney, says it all.
  13. Ya if on time means waiting for the Brits to kick some serious ass in africa while we chat up your ladies back home.
  14. Tym

    Listin up

    Calling me a yankee is like calling Pete English, its that low of an insult, poop on the shoe kinda chit.
  15. You callin me a yankee? Born in the Cradle of the South boy! Learn history.
  16. Dont worry the Americans will be by shortly to take your women and kick your pussy asses, again. WWz is on.
  17. Who are you ignoring? is it someone im ignoring?
  18. Without men doing stupid human tricks women would have nothing to talk about.
  19. Known fact keeping your bouys floating in spandex creates a Soy Soup.
  20. He has standards, just because they are always double well butt...
  21. Your complaint number is 401, now serving number 2, number 2 please.
  22. Dont be wishing her a short ride down a long gravel road Six.
  23. Masagonist, whhooo, we act like men we should be ashamed.
  24. Its a sad reality of life pretty people dont have to be smart most of the time.
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