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Everything posted by Tym

  1. Tym

    Musk buys twitter

    Twitter needs employees? honest question.
  2. Political news from the Left Coast.... If the hammer smells like chit, you have to acquit!
  3. One problem, you cant ass steer a hard tail.
  4. Word, 17 inches is a scooter tyre.
  5. Fact is you cant countersteerr with wheels under 19inches the way doG intended. if Julian was here he would set you straight.
  6. Preparing a landuse lawsuit, so far the plan is coming together, however, getting govt types "to work" is Llke watching mud roll uphill. The private sector, one week, the govt same amount of work, one year.
  7. Sweet combination dispite the bad luck. Great way to carry Wooody.
  8. Tym


    Im still sturggling on what was "important"
  9. So many Puerto Ricans live in Connecticut its considered a suburb of Bridgeport.
  10. I guess is safet o say the numbers 0 then.
  11. You have American friends? Oh how nice where do they live what parts?
  12. Join the Amish, they have cool towns named intercourse in PA.
  13. Damn dyslexia i thought Bob wrote was his Glock Gay, never mind.
  14. it would Give a pack of Rots something to play with, just saying
  15. Who wouldnt cover it in aliminium foil for $20 Euros Alex.
  16. "Here here" in a brit voice over voice.
  17. What was so unique they seemed like the samold nosy types reading over peoples shoulders. Either they chat us up or mind there own imho.
  18. Paying by the mile means you have a govt rec ording device in your car snitching on you whenever you fuckup. You can keep your fair all ya want. Get in an accident? going to fast never hit the brakes was watching porn while wanking wont go over well in court.
  19. Want proof on how clueless HD riders are? The never knew, i was riding with the pack.
  20. Dint axe you butt your wrong, again.
  21. is this a new forum or this forum just a new name...im confused. you arnt English are you by chance. going to put $20 on this one.
  22. Just found out i have earned hero status at Slobevnia's TomosRusfanCluBés film fest 2. Fear me.
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