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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. You can take the boy out of Swansea….
  2. Thanks I’ll have a look at that later
  3. what is verb conjugation? Or should I leave that question until I get to at least page six on book 1?
  4. Your plans will have probably settled down into a completely different groove by the time all this shits blown over (or up ).
  5. Course why anyone wants to remember- Hello my name is Caroline, what is your name, how are you, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 without knowing what the feckin answers are gonna be is beyond me
  6. Im still only on page four of a childrens learn Spanish book and I only have to tell Mr Slowly what Ive read once and he remembers it!
  7. For me its whichever is better academically which is reputation wise a hands down win for Edinburgh. Edinburgh has always carried a cache that Liverpool never will and apart from all the reasons Buckster has already said that shit sticks out on your CV in a market place thats very tough for graduates. Also from a parental point of view flights from Edinburgh to France are frequent and relatively cheap so youre really not that far away.
  8. One person in a group or couple is always better at languages than the other/s. They tend to take the lead in the beginning, then find themselves as interpreter all the time cos the others dont have the confidence or ability they do.
  9. Ill take the Beemer, £50? its a fair price for a chinese bike.
  10. Where are you thinking theyre going to land up? In Spain with you?
  11. I hope it works itself out amicably Pete.
  12. Hope youre not setting yourself up for heartache Pete
  13. That sucks. I used this this method- book mechanic, drink some tea, pay up. Have you tried out Fowlers part finder tool? Its not always correct and its sometimes a pita to find exactly what you want but it can be useful. https://www.fowlersparts.co.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-IWCueOz9gIVS-rtCh3jEgeDEAAYASAAEgISzvD_BwE
  14. Bloody hell that’s a biggun I would not want to be out in that in the snow! In the golden olden days if you bought a 4x4 there was a diff lock and they did actually have 4 wheel drive, then 4X4s became desirable and purely road driven and so manufactures saved some dosh leaving off the the very things that made it a 4X4 It did have some auto replacement thing on it (not esp it was something else I can’t remember what) and it did work to reasonable degree, I never got stuck in muddy fields but it wasn’t as good. I felt conned but it’s my fault for paying more attention when I bought it, I was more focused on getting a running board so I could get in and out without flashing my knickers to the world
  15. Cos its you I had my money on it being a bit more “Я ненавижу Нидерланды. Ура Путину.”
  16. My sons course is 5 years long. He gets a 10k loan for his fees and 4K for living expenses so thats 70k of loan for him and at the moment we’re paying about 10k for his living expenses which after rent still puts him on the breadline. Plus they have announced the rules are changing from next year, you start paying it back when your earning 25k and the percentage you pay back will increase when you hit 30K. They are also saying they are going to remove the zero interest rate but that’s not yet confirmed. But they are definitely also increasing the time to pay to 40 years. So yeah it’s not quite their whole life cos the retirement age is 76 now. My youngest starts in September so he should just miss the latest round of bash the younger generation shittery.
  17. Did losing semi-automatic bother you when you bought it? And have you tried it out this CVT thing in mountainous areas? Does it work? I’m only asking cos I had a brown trouser moment when driving through flood waters and some manic (who could see I was already halfway through it) decided to come from the opposite direction, I had no choice but to move left, I felt the rear side of the car drop down the embankment. I looked down for the diff lock to discover there wasn’t one
  18. I meant the other way round, do automatics exist that dont have semi automatic? Ive driven mostly automatics for donkeys and theres always been a semi-automatic option so you can control the gear changes yourself, never seen a vehicle without that option.
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