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Man of the Year 2023
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Clive last won the day on August 10

Clive had the most liked content!


14,611 Excellent

1 Follower

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  • Location
    Mansfield Nottinghamshire UK
  • Motorcycle

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  1. Clive

    Shadow RTA

    They plate has to be of a legal size and size of letter font, it makes it easy for the ANPR/Traffic light/Speed cameras to take a photo of it..
  2. We are at the airport. It is King's Mill hospital really.
  3. Clive


    Don't get a Yardmaster (like mine) shed, can cut through the panels with a strong Stanley knife.... they are good for keeping the bike/scoot out of the bad weather, but security is almost Nil.
  4. Did you send her a better shot of yours?.
  5. Not sure which of you two deserve this...
  6. I will be able to watch the last races of the season, but after the 2 months free pass expires I won't be paying Sky to watch the racing in the future. We only received this 2 months free pass because Sky was unable to install Full Fibre Broadband.
  7. I may watch F1 too, we have Sky Sports & Films free for 2 months.
  8. We will visit the outlaws tomorrow, i thought about a little ride out on Sunday, but Mr. Fish says it is going to piss it down.
  9. The thought of thousands of these little fuckers roaming Mars it doesn't stand thinking about!.
  10. That will keep you busy on the long winter nights..
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