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Everything posted by Clive

  1. Been up in one of those things, once........... there won't be a 2nd time..........
  2. We have Sky TV, 200 channels of crap, our TV spends more time turned off.
  3. 46 a bad age............my son is 44, he has the brain of a 13 year old making his day to day decisions...
  4. When all else fails.
  5. Well I definitely won't be riding till March. This week's schedule is full.....shopping (food), wife's birthday (pub visit), hospital visit (wife) and housing association are coming to put a handrails in the bathroom.
  6. Hello &Welcome @Gordon
  7. Beer!..beer!...my Christmas booze is still in the fridge untouched. I will start the scoot, it needs a run really, then I will clear up the fallen branches from the garden, they are from next doors (dead) tree, but always end up on my garden. Apart from that, a usual day here.
  8. As said before, the housing association fitted a new boilerin the bungalow, it is not a patch on the old boiler, radiators get hot, but slow getting up to temperature...
  9. I no longer make long term plans, take each day as it comes, i would like to do much more with my time left, but there are restrictions that prevent many things happening.
  10. The older you get, the faster time passes, the days no longer seem long enough.
  11. Is there going to be a Poll?
  12. It is a very mild day, but wet and windy too. 1st job is to sort out the slight water leaks coming from the roof, and take down some shelves that are slowly collapsing, it will pass a hour or so.
  13. Could do with a bike shop like that around here, seriously lacking in this area.
  14. Nice morning here, it feels a little milder too, we have the 11 year (granddaughter) whirlwind today, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, too old for this childminding shit. I am finding the Birmingham solution to the scoot more appealing as the days pass.
  15. Milder on Thursday here in the East Midlands, I hope so.
  16. I expected a rise in the price, but to receive a quote that was bordering on double what i paid last year is taking the piss.
  17. Went on Gocompare and got car insurance at nearly half the price that Hastings quoted me, and the insurance is with the A.A, I always thought they were expensive, seems not.
  18. Just the usual here, raining and misty, cold too, visiting the outlaws tomorrow.
  19. Can someone explain to me how (car) insurance costs work?.....cos it has got me fucking gobsmacked....
  20. You have missed Iowa...........again.
  21. Was hoping for pie & chip's..
  22. Not sure that it would make it to Birmingham
  23. I can keep riding it till 14th of March, then I will SORN it, and still advertise it for sale.
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