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Everything posted by Clive

  1. ....well they did come down in a spaceship at the start of the concert.....never got around to us, we were way back in the cheap seats.
  2. That was in the days when ELO where the prober band, They are good today, but it's just Jeff Lynn ( and sometimes Richard Tandy) and some unknown session musicians. ELO Part 2 came to Mansfield twice......daughter managed to get one of Bev Bevans drumsticks after the concert ended.
  3. Last band/group I went out see was ELO in Birmingham around 1978. I don't get out much..
  4. I ever the finances come my way it will be another bike. I do like the look of the Benelli TRX....
  5. I am going to strip out the variator, clutch and check the belt tomorrow. Have a ride on Sunday.........and remember to take
  6. I stopped at some toilets near Calais.....4ft high wall with 3 pans. Could piss and wave to the passing traffic............taking care not to piss on my boots!
  7. You need @yen_powell catheter
  8. I am away at Mablethorpe...from Monday to Friday.
  9. Next week will sort that....
  10. I did say on here (in a previous incarnation ) that it seemed like it was a forum for the permanently offended.
  11. Think Blender and Fryer are a humourless pair of tits. Ian has the right idea, get pissed and let them 2 get on with it.
  12. Do you take that to a mechanic or carpenter for repairs?
  13. He was, quietly, removing the opposition.........to become a mod by stealth.
  14. Did they move into House or Garage?
  15. Techno.........wonder where he disappeared to.
  16. The mod "feeling"......is that similar to the "feeling" that you want a shit?
  17. Er....I nearly did a fact checker there...........
  18. https://www.ourmansfieldandarea.org.uk/content/place/mansfield/mansfield-miscellaneous/mansfield-cave-dwellers Like these were in Mansfield......they collapsed last year
  19. Whoops, forgot to add......not really a funny, but how the fuck did the Donkey/Ass/Mule get on the roof?
  20. Sorry.......................................................................................................................Master!
  21. You mean this is not a Scientology forum!!!!.
  22. Destroying the forum!!!!!!......being a little over dramatic I think.
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