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Everything posted by Clive

  1. The nice weather arrived just in time for June and most welcomed after the shit we had in May. But sorry to tell you it's is going to break down on the 14th We are going to Mablethorpe for a few days, so expect the worst. Just so you don't book the same week as me, we going to Wales 20th of September, so expect gales and lashing rain that week.
  2. Should nickname him Rimmer
  3. I will use Google before I ask or answer anything in future.
  4. Oh shit!...is he still here? Suppose Stu has given him the ok.
  5. Thank you @Pedro San Miguel for me I will try not to ask dumb questions or reply with dumb answers.
  6. Clive


    A Harley would be good, I have always fancied having a go on a tractor.
  7. Clive


    No, the one with the double wheels is either a MP3 or a Gilera Fuoco Mine is just a normal 2 wheeler.
  8. Clive


    It's a comfy thing, not that fast on acceleration, but once up to above 40 it picks it skirt up and gets a move on, a bit vague in the corners, small (14 inch) wheels and a big engine pivoting up and down, hardly the recipe for fine handling.
  9. Clive


    2003.....3 owners, a folder full of MOT and receipts for work done, It will do for now.
  10. Clive


    Thanks, all good here.....I am a bit more chilled nowdays...
  11. Clive


    Erm....erm.....here goes.....laugh all you want. A Piaggio X9 500.........a 100 mph armchair Electric stand....good for a old fart like me, Built in radio, and intercoms,which i dont use being deaf as a post. Hopefully it's a stop gap.
  12. See my other post about the Tiger.....then I will say what I've got.
  13. Hi Tym......all good with you I hope
  14. Clive


    Well guys, may as well get this out if the way. The Bish is/was dead Sprag starter clutch exploded on a ride out in the Peak district at the very end on March. 6 hours in the middle of nowhere, cold and fooking wet. Removing the engine and stripping it was beyond my facilities and knowledge. A guy from Birmingham bought it at a (covered my costs of getting it on the road) price that reflected its condition. He has workshop facilities, so he got it repaired, good luck to him The Tiger was fun while it lasted.
  15. It's got to be me Bob, who else would admit to living in this shithole.
  16. I doubt he would take bugger all notice if I sent him one.......but if I have to, maybe later.
  17. Nope, just having something to eat
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