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boboneleg last won the day on December 8

boboneleg had the most liked content!


36,334 Excellent

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  • Location
    Bristol, UK
  • Motorcycle
    A fucking cool VESPA

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  1. I had a bit of garage time this afternoon, now they’re all put to bed until the 28th
  2. Nooooooooooooooooooo , this is gay .............
  3. You learn something every day , who knew that a tenement block could be listed ..............
  4. Still no outside tap at chez oneleg so I took my WR off to the local wash place for them to give it a good clean . I bought them some mince pies but judging by their reactions I'm not sure they have them in Romania, Kurdistan or Albania
  5. I just had to do some shopping , it's bloody mental out there ..........
  6. Now you'll be on the plane dying for a piss with the seatbelts light still on
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