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Everything posted by boboneleg

  1. Ummmmmm, you’re going skiing when you’ve got a dodgy spine . What could possibly go wrong ?
  2. You're only jealous cos I saw him first ...........
  3. Yeah , he's got nice hair hasn't he ........................
  4. Get on to them and tell then your phoning one of the morning tv shows to complain . They love a story like that and the feckers will be straight around to sort it.
  5. That's how I used to do my electrics but a fuse box arrangement makes it so much neater
  6. The most common complaint for a parasitic drawal . Nice work @Saul I use an Eastern Beaver on my Donkey (yes really ) made in Japan and good quality ............. https://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Wiring_Kits/Fuseboxes/PC-8/pc-8.html
  7. I think it was Scottish power who got a huge fine a couple of years ago for piss poor customer service . You've got to wonder how much training these twats on the other end of the phone get .
  8. I presume that you're still having no luck with the heating @Clive
  9. Good point , fllods on the way too work this morning
  10. I'm still winning ........................ but it's only been a week .......
  11. No, they're still in Morocco .............
  12. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, proper Gammon . Drinking Guinness out of the can and watching chubby porn .........
  13. How far a drive is that Scott ?
  14. Have you found any hidden chocolate as well ?
  15. How about Urko's tenement outside boghouse
  16. Doggie walking for us in minute , Paolo's excited as we bought him some walking boots rather than trudging around in wellies. Dry January is still on so no beer for me tonight , it will have to be orange juice .
  17. Did you not have the 1150 when we were on Maximumbikes ?
  18. Rude ............. How about busman's shed ?
  19. Xmas present from sister-in-law
  20. I know a bloke who's having some building work done, he'll sell you some scalpings , proper cheap like .........
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