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Everything posted by boboneleg

  1. Oi ! don't scare off our new member you arsehole ...........
  2. I reckon Pete prompted you there ...........
  3. R.I.P Roberta Flack ...........
  4. Welcome Gordon scrambling you say , you must as old as some of us old codgers
  5. It’s a howling gale here, if ever wanted to see how UK weather can change in 24hrs then yesterday and today would tell you everything
  6. I’m getting steamy in the en-suite
  7. Glorious day here, peferct for riding but i'm committed to doggie walking today . Never mind , there's rugby and beer later and probably a kebab
  8. I'm pretty sure she's chosen a Worcester Bosch so I hope that's ok. The plumber seems very confident that it's a good one.
  9. We have to have a new boiler fitted soon, I'm very wary as our existing Baxi Bermuda has been fine for over 35 years .
  10. You need your favourite tool for that …,
  11. The weight of all those bibles is exceeding the train weight of your trailer ..
  12. I just had Jehovahs Witness knock on the door, I enjoyed our discussion, it only took me two minutes to see them off
  13. Is someone playing with you Fred, I think you may have a ghost Perhaps Pete is haunting you with Tony the tools
  14. I had no input whatsoever, I just order the stuff and pay for it
  15. You're so in the dark ages, these dudes are modern workers. If you look you'll see that their vacuum is a Hetty as opposed to the more commonly used Henry . Apparently Hetty has a stronger suck .................
  16. Are you wearing that shirt for a bet
  17. You're such a party pooper Lionel
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