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Everything posted by boboneleg

  1. It’s a howling gale here, if ever wanted to see how UK weather can change in 24hrs then yesterday and today would tell you everything
  2. I’m getting steamy in the en-suite
  3. Glorious day here, peferct for riding but i'm committed to doggie walking today . Never mind , there's rugby and beer later and probably a kebab
  4. I'm pretty sure she's chosen a Worcester Bosch so I hope that's ok. The plumber seems very confident that it's a good one.
  5. We have to have a new boiler fitted soon, I'm very wary as our existing Baxi Bermuda has been fine for over 35 years .
  6. You need your favourite tool for that …,
  7. The weight of all those bibles is exceeding the train weight of your trailer ..
  8. I just had Jehovahs Witness knock on the door, I enjoyed our discussion, it only took me two minutes to see them off
  9. Is someone playing with you Fred, I think you may have a ghost Perhaps Pete is haunting you with Tony the tools
  10. I had no input whatsoever, I just order the stuff and pay for it
  11. You're so in the dark ages, these dudes are modern workers. If you look you'll see that their vacuum is a Hetty as opposed to the more commonly used Henry . Apparently Hetty has a stronger suck .................
  12. Are you wearing that shirt for a bet
  13. You're such a party pooper Lionel
  14. The kitchen is being fitted now , lots of aggro with the units though , seven cabinets had damage !! Resolved now but we will asking for compensation because of the lost time and aggro for our builder.
  15. Anyway, I’ve been down town this morning looking for some new boots. Which ones do you prefer……
  16. When I had my Lambretta in 1979 I used ride around in a pair of work trousers, donkey jacket and gardening gloves. The mods who hung around the new Bristol centre couldn’t work it out
  17. You don't what on a Vespa ?
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