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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. I was driving down the road and next thing there was a c*nt behind me in a VW.
  2. Got my new 1/4" drive socket set, cost me $2.37 but I had to buy something to bring the total up to $15 to get free postage so I chose a 20cm cast iron skillet, it's ideal for two eggs, a steak (not T bone) or a hamburger with caramelized onion, got the calipers soaking in kerosene as my pal doesn't like using compressed air if it can be avoided.
  3. Every Aussie town has a claim to fame, apparently only one guy has cleared the silos.
  4. 1974 2.0L, mine was a 71 1750, lovely cars.
  5. Is this supposed to be humorous or something, seriously I don't get it. Pete, might be time for a new mod, this ones fucked in the head.
  6. Yep, you got me there, all that I have are some calipers, you on the other hand have a pikey road train.
  7. So you made the suggestion that I get my bike back on the road and I took it up and now all that you can do is post stupid shit about it, moronic level stupid shit, are you attempting to be humorous or something ?
  8. Were you dropped on your head as a child ?
  9. I'll get some tomorrow, had a go at getting the pistons out of the calipers today, they are stucky stuck, my mate doesn't like to blast them with compressed air so I'll keep soaking them but I think that the air might have to be.
  10. zzzak

    Zzzaks drivel

    Cheers, I'll take a look at it later.
  11. Giant steps are what you take, walking on the Moon, so how come the astronots could only do pissy little yumps in 1/6th gravity ? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Whats a cardboard bike ?
  12. zzzak

    Zzzaks drivel

    You may find this interesting reading.
  13. zzzak

    Zzzaks drivel

    Well he was the head designer so I would imagine that he knew what he was talking about, sadly JFK didn't and by 1968 they knew that they couldn't do it hence the coverup, even now they admit that they can't go higher than low Earth orbit.
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