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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. At least his posts are amusing even if he did post it twice, your posts are childish dad jokes and most of them make no sense, for example this one, talk about retarded.
  2. The bit I was flying over was flat, dunno about the rest but Bucky has mentioned it numerous times so maybe check with him.
  3. One legged astronot goes to the Moon.
  4. Found the one that I was looking for, that earlier one is a really shitty photo, however I did save this one.
  5. There is only one light source on the Moon, you may have heard of it, its called the Sun, sunlight can only cast shadows in one direction, there's no arguing that, so why are there shadows going is two directions, simple question, the answer is that there was more than one light source, as there was only one on the Moon that means that the photos were taken in a studio, any questions ?
  6. They must be around there somewhere, this is mans greatest moment, the first time to walk on the Moon but they lost all the data, it gets better, Scrap dealer finds Apollo-era NASA computers in dead engineer’s basement, So they found 325 Apollo era tapes and then they said, “There is no evidence that suggests this material is historically significant... I recommend disposal through the immediate destruction of all magnetic tapes.” Immediate destruction, what are they hiding, I think that I know, what I don;'t know is why all of you are so outraged about my questioning it, there are hundreds of things that point to a hoax but you refuse to see them, why ?
  7. This is me on the left asking about tyre tracks and that is you on the right avoiding a simple question.
  8. Still haven't answered on the lack of tyre marks and how come the astronaut got in front of the cross, it should have been in front of him surely, by the way I like that you support Trump, any mention of him is support because it brings his name to the fore and I'm not talking about golf, there's another oddity, when the astronaut hit the golf ball someone at Houston commented on its slice, you can't slice a ball where there is no atmosphere, same with flags, no air means no flutter.
  9. Maybe the astronaut wouldn't cook, as nobody has ever been there we'll never know for sure so lets move on to the many anomalies such as where are the tracks from the Rover, the footprints are quite obvious so how did the Rover get to where it was photographed, that's a fair question, also how about these two ? A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16’s Lunar Lander lifting off the Moon. Who did the filming? The powerful booster rocket at the base of the Lunar Lander was fired to slow descent to the moons service. Yet it has left no traces of blasting on the dust underneath. It should have created a small crater, yet the booster looks like it’s never been fired… Those are just two of many unanswered questions, lets start with who panned the camera during liftoff, that should be an easy one to answer.
  10. Here's a good one, the alleged mass shooting event in New Zealand, someone posted the story a day early but it got screenshotted. From Wikipedia; The Christchurch mosque shootings were two consecutive mass shootings on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on 15 March 2019. Another hoax, they said that you could get 13 years jail for watching or sharing the video of the event, having seen it I know why, it was like the Three Stooges make a movie, a guy in a car shoots a rifle through the windscreen but it doesn't leave a hole, he drives a car over a body lying in the street but it doesn't rise up to go over it, just goes straight and level. The nearest police station was a mile away but it took them 17 minutes to respond, no ambulances turned up, just another gun grabbing hoax. My favorite is the dead guy texting.
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