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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. 54 for me if you don't count riding my brothers Puch aged twelve.
  2. They might have given them a very stern talking to.
  3. Funny old world these days, they used to pay people to do it.
  4. I , at 71 and a pensioner, really like the idea of a Honda 125 Trail that I can use to explore the river, the roads around here only have 90 degree corners and my riding buddy got cancer so it's just me now, however the river where I live is quite something, the mighty Murrumbidgee, 60m wide, 4m deep and 1600km long.
  5. Yep, that's right, democracy is when 51% of the population tell the other 49% what to do or if you like communism.
  6. Just more bullshit, where are they, Franco saved Spain from democracy which Ezra Pound defined quite well, do a search.
  7. My plans are to get the bike back on the road, just need to free up a bit of cash, it's not easy being green or the lack of it.
  8. I thought it was Francos Auschwitz.
  9. I agree with Bucky regarding Jesus, especially Revelations 3:9.
  10. This recently came to my attention, be it true or not nothing surprises me anymore.
  11. Fuck yeah, I live in the real world and all I do in games is shoot innocent Germans and the occasional Italian depending on the locale.
  12. Anything but fight real crime on the streets.
  13. Simpsons 17 Most Dangerous Predictions for 2024.
  14. Well he was best friends with Jimmy Saville and we all know about him, it's naive to think that Chuck was unaware of his goings on when he has MI5/6 vetting all his contacts.
  15. Well that's a start, the last tsunami there was quite interesting as was the Aceh one.
  16. zzzak

    Happy New Year

    This is sure going to be a year that goes down in history, best of luck to you all, even Bucky.
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