I got to thinking about you lot in the never ending winter of your discount tents, huddling together under a cardboard blanket while trying to keep some vestige of warmth about you in your Dickensian hovels and thought that the more adventurous of you may enjoy playing the game that is the title of this thread.It's not only a good game, its a great game and if you open a free account at Steam you can buy it online for about £3, pay your money then download it, this episode of the game takes place in Africa during WW2 where you get to shoot lots of Gerrmans and Italians and who amongst you doesn't like shooting Germans, opinions on Italians may differ but war is war.
The basic premise is that you are a sniper, there's a large variety of various weapons available to you including some that I had never heard of such as the DeLisle carbine, the Tommies silenced rifle that used normal ammo for example, there are of course nearly every other WW2 rifle that you can think of, Mosin Nagant, Springfield, Lee Enfields, Kar 98k Mauser, the list goes on, there's even the Carcano of Lee Harvey Oswald fame, someone said of that rifle that it was a piece of shit and could never have been fired that fast at that distance with that accuracy and I have to agree, its a piece of shit, when you start out you have your assigned piece but as you move through the game you can swap for other rifles that you will find lying about, that's a nice feature as you get the chance to compare them on the move, so far my favorite long gun is a Russian one that I'd never heard of, a Tokarev SVT 40, what a sweet little gun, some may say that a bolt action is superior and it is but when you have a whole bunch of aforesaid Krauts and or Wops coming at you the semi auto rules, especially with the 10 shot mag, its also great in that if you take a shot and wing someone you can use that as a sighting shot and blow them away with the next slug, anyway if you need a good rifle for a long shot just grab a KAR98 and let rip, they're everywhere once you've shot enough Germans, for the record my longest shot was 203 meters, that's by no means easy and took some time to achieve.
Secondary arms are also very interesting, Stens, Tommy guns, MP30's, 40's and even the original assault rifle, the MP44, when I first started playing I wasn't very interested in the secondary arms as I thought that they were piss weak but after a while I started to appreciate the MP40 as the most useful, there are others that I prefer but you need ammo and as you're fighting krauts you just help yourself to theirs after you send them to Valhalla or wherever it is that you send them.
Naturally there's a large selection of pistols, you can obtain silenced ammo for them but not all the time, for close quarters work silenced is the way to go as you are usually using them where you don't want any attention, there is another Brit oddity available, the Welrod Mk IIa, problem is that while it is quiet its slow being a bolt action and its a single shot, my pistol of choice is another weapon that I had never heard of, the HVD semi auto, once again standard ammo and noise free, not a lot of hitting power but great for headshots.
When you start playing the game you select your difficulty level, naturally I started on hard but each to their own, its a learning curve so if you're not someone whose played many games start on easy, this gives you the basics and a rookie opposing force, you also need to get used to the various weapons and situations that you may find yourself in, so start somewhere comfortably and work your way through it.
Once you've played through it its time to up the difficulty level and this is where it gets good, there are a few levels including a custom one where you can choose all sorts of things, opponent skille form rookie to elite type of thing and much more, the more that you play the more interesting it gets and the challenge grips you, or me as the case may be, I've played this game for over 112 hours so far and am playing Sniper Elite 4 at the top level unassisted in any way, in the lower level you can get aiming assistance and the like but in the hardcore setting you have to calculate your shots, measure the distance with the binoculars (rangefinder) and then adjust your sights taking into account variations in the distance from the gun settings to the target, you can set the gun at 100m, 200m, 300m and 400m but the target may be 135m away so you have to adjust for distance, it's a very satisfying thing to take someone out at a vast distance and you get a reward when you fire it, a graphic anatomical representation of what happens when a bullet hits a man in slo-mo, a doctor who watched it said it was bang on anatomically, haha.
So if you're looking for an inexpensive challenge this winter that you can play on an average PC this is it, it also has multiplayer if you want me to shoot the shit out of you online but that's for another day, here's a sample of it.
Have fun.