There was a guy in Sydney who got off a camera ticket under his right to question his accuser, he asked if the camera was in court for him to cross examine and as it wasn't they had to dismiss the case, the prosecutor tried to claim that he was the accuser but as he wasn't at the scene he was ruled invalid.
The whole thing is based on Admiralty Law rather than Common Law and that is why they can say that because you were speeding that you owe them money because its a statute and not a law, if it was a law under Common Law they cannot levy a fine until the case has been heard by a magistrate and the prosecution have provided a victim, that comes from the Appropriations Act of around 1860 where you need to have caused a loss to someone, the victim, and the amount of the fine goes to them, these thieving cunts just keep it for themselves.
Another interesting thing is that magistrates courts are all limited liability companies and have their own tax statuses be it VAT or GST, just another hoax really and its all based on your birth (berth) certificate, to them you are a ship because you arrived when your mothers waters broke, for those of you now spitting out your tea and bits of toast and getting ready to start yelling at me consider the pikeys, they can't get fined because they don't register their births so they are not subject to these statutes, next time that you're in court have a look at the blue flag with a gold fringe, that indicates an Admiralty jurisdiction.