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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. The Asian Cassius Clay.
  2. Better send that doctor to Bucky when you're finished Pete, the retardation is getting stronger.
  3. Dwarfs and deaf: trip to Huéscar, the town where 500 gypsies marry each other It all started almost 120 years ago, when 'La Zopa' was born with achondroplasia. She was the first dwarf gypsy in the town. Her disease has been inherited by several generations because children are born between members of the same family. There are now five people with dwarfism in the town. Also about 40 who neither listen nor speak. It is an extraordinary case. "They have created a cultural island that favors their isolation," says a genetics expert.
  4. I see that you're to thick to understand the reality of the world today, however make sure to get your next booster shot asap.
  5. And here we have the pigmy tribe whose favorite sport is nude mud wrestling with tourists.
  6. He's probably organising the trips.
  7. Befriend a tourst who resembles you and voila, new licence, passport, the works, just a bit messy sometimes.
  8. Probably can't find the door.
  9. And people call me nuts, my friend in NZ gets the flu vax every year and every time he's as sick as a dog but he keeps doing it, I never have vaxxes of any kind and am fit and healthy and never get ill, the alleged flu vax is just covid jibbies in disguise, cancel the appointment otherwise the forum will die with you.
  10. As I have said more than once if you think I am in error please point it out and we can discuss it like adults, not liberals.
  11. No it was static electricity, of course it was, that the ship had made numerous such landings means nothing, nothing to see here. I find the cut at 25 secs to be interesting, where's the moment it exploded ?
  12. Warning, avoid the promotional video unles you like to vomit a lot, it has everything including woke tough females making ludicrous statements about riding that they probably think are philosophical, it's fucking awful, all I wanted was to hear the sound of the bike and got an emetic instead.
  13. Max Reger — 'I am in the smallest room of the house. I have your review in front of me. Soon it will be behind me.'
  14. Come on Marcel, it will be fun.
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