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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. Another saving on pensions after they murdered all the 'useless eaters' in the old folks homes. They did the same thing here, this was the first thing that aroused my suspicions, that Covid seemed to target the old folks homes and very little else.
  2. The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA gene-edited vaccine resulted in the largest fatalities- 5,368 deaths and 170,528 injuries or nearly 50% of the total for all four. The Moderna mRNA vaccine was second with 2,865 deaths and 22,985 injuries.
  3. Nurse, he's out of bed again.
  4. IS DEMENTIA CAUSED BY ALUMINUM THROUGH FLUORIDATION? This explains a lot I think, as one who only drinks pure spring water and watches my diet closely for contamination I, at 71, am cool and clear, however when I think about my interactions with people and their inability to move past headlines I see that dementia is rife, around here it seems to be mostly confined to one of the private lounges.
  5. They were probably busy clearing up the dead polar bears carcasses.
  6. Investigated that years ago, by the way you look kind of like a cross between the Amish and Newfies, anything to say about that ?
  7. No vaccines and no autism, inbreeding it is.
  8. Anyway if you got jabbed and feel unwell the only thing that you can try is this, it costs nothing and a friend of mine who tried it said he felt an improvement and now he continues to do it, he couldn't get out of bed after his third jab and could barely talk. The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) now recommends prolonged FASTING as a first-line treatment for post-vaccine symptoms and the inflammatory conditions associated with the vague diagnostic term “long COVID.” The FLCCC doctors see firsthand how the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is damaging people, whether through natural infection or through the mRNA transcription process relayed by the COVID-19 vaccines. They believe the spike protein is exacerbating underlying inflammatory conditions and causing additional micro-clotting, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoimmune conditions and neurological issues. The doctors believe that a 3-day fast can break down and recycle these COVID-19 spike proteins through a process called chaperone-mediated autophagy.
  9. It's for the illiterates Marcel.
  10. Dr. Herbert Snow, Surgeon of the London Cancer Hospital, had this to say: "I am convinced that some 80 per cent of these cancer deaths are caused by the inoculations or vaccinations they have undergone. New York Press, January 26,1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, “Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. “I have not seen autism with the Amish,” said Dr. Frank Noonan, a family practitioner in Lancaster County, Pa., who has treated thousands of Amish for a quarter-century. (Amish don't vaxx)
  11. Watch this and tell me how Fauci knew about the plandemic in 2017, no doubt Bucky will claim I photoshopped it. https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/(Must-Watch)The-Truth-about-Operation-Radiation---They-Do-Not-Want-You-to-Know-What-Is-Coming-(Documentary-BANNED-on-YouTube):0?r=2mrWdwbi2F1W5UccaznYCaAEBw7hWduX
  12. So apart from myself who else is unvaxxed here ?
  13. Are your sons and employees vaxxed, were you vaxxed ?
  14. Factcheckers eh Bucky, fuck me, next you'll quote Snopes, the woman behind this is a NZ politician who received information from a whistleblower, she then got a couple of analysts to cross reference the jabs to the deaths, all public info and useful if you know how to interpret it, that is how they were able to work out that 30 people who were all jabbed on the same day at the same clinic all died on the same day at roughly the same time, was that just a coincidence ?
  15. I remember that and it alerted me to the hoax, the average age of the early deaths here was 85, and they were all in care homes, do I need to add 2 and 2 to make 5, the staff at the care homes were paid huge amounts of money to give the old folks the farewell shove, the old morphine and midazolam trick, they were murdered, simple as that, it was designed to scare the shit out of everybody and then, whats that on the horizon, it's the jibby jab, we're saved and all the sheeps lined up for their shot, there was a doctor in NZ who refused the jibby, he was a resident at a hospital there, security escorted him off the premises, they didn't even let him get his personal stuff from his office, he then revealed the truth, read this $350 GIVEN TO NZ CLINICS PER COVID JAB September 20, 2021 Admin Comments 0 Comment I received the following – not fact checked but likely true. “The clinic I work for is going ahead with starting a covid clinic despite being severely understaffed. They get 10k to set it up and 350$ per jab. None of the managers have any healthcare background and the company is owned by a big American company which had brought out 70 clinics in NZ. Most of NZ has already been sold to America. There are 3 big companies that own most of NZ. None of the managers have healthcare experience and their background is business accounting etc.” $350 per jab!! $10K to set up a clinic to give jabs!! But wait, there’s more… “And the medical centers get paid $120 per covid swab too.” $120 per swab/test done!! So, not only is there huge money-making incentives in ALL of this, but most of the medical clinics and practices in NZ have been silently sold off to America, to Omni, Evolution Healthcare and Green Cross. We are silently being sold to America for bigger agendas. This was organised slaughter by the nurses, some were making $10k a week, they deserve life in jail. Anyway most likely you'll go your way and I'll go mine on this but if you are still alive in 2024 that's when it will all come home to roost, given that the Georgia Guidestones revealed the plan to depopulate the world down to 500 million it would appear that its already on the way. Good Luck.
  16. De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt by the looks of it and how come the only people getting Covid are the jabbed ? Read this enlightening little pearl of information, ask yourself why and how did this happen. She gave one of many examples to illustrate the point: “On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day, at the same location. All are now deceased. And their deaths are in close temporal, time, proximity to each other. We are calling for an inquiry. Not just any inquiry. A full-blown criminal investigation leaving no stone unturned.” It's mass murder on a scale never before seen, and its going to get far worse in 2024 and 2025, good luck top ya, the only way that you can get the poison out of your body is fasting so get onto it.
  17. You must be joking, everyone that I know who has been jabbed has told me that they have never felt sicker in their lives and you want more, as Covid has never been isolated it therefore hasn't been proven to exist, the 'flu' and Long Covid that you got was in the syringe, talking about vaccines for a minute here, as a child I had the Polio one, it was one shot and that was it, it took 23 years to get it approved for human use and this one popped up after six months and not only that, the four major companies involved all came up with the same thing, remarkable don't you think, anybody who takes that is a fucking moron, take a look at the deaths of the fully vaxxed ffs, aint no unvaxxed dying of at a hugely increased rate, wake the fuck up.
  18. Three children (ages 12, 13, 14) died in Spain from Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines (FG7898, FG9428) now their parents are suing the Spanish government and Ministers of Health. Parents must join forces!
  19. I don't know why people buy Iphones, they haven't done anything new since Steve Jobs died and look at the complaints, just man up and get an Android ffs.
  20. Can you show us on the doll where the lizard inserted things into you ?
  21. Are the lizard people in the forum with you at the moment ?
  22. I see that you need to be educated on WW2 as well, do you know who started the war ?
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