First of all the climate changes, they are called seasons, it happens every year and slight variances come and go, what doesn't happen is 'Anthropogenic Climate Change', notice that they use a big word to confuse the uneducated there, anthropogenic derives from anthropology, it's just a word, the hoax of climate change was first thought up (along with the other hoax of pandemics) at a meeting of The Club Of Rome.
In 1991, the Club of Rome, a group of 'elite' individuals (think tank for the Vatican?), published a book called 'The First Global Revolution.' In that book, they admitted to inventing the climate change agenda as a 'common enemy' of mankind, in order to unite the world. Take a look at the following statement from the 1991 book:
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.75)
As you can see from the above quote, the Club of Rome admitted to 'coming up with the idea' that 'global warming', (now called 'climate change' because facts prove the earth isn't warming as they said it would) could be used as a 'common enemy' to unite the world together. As stated in the book, they clearly had a plan to try and unite the world and a 'common enemy' would be needed to fulfill this plan:
"It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can organize themselves and act together." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.70)"
Thats the hoax in a nutshell, that's where it all started, and now after testing the general public with the fake pandemic aka The Covid Hoax they now know that the majority of people, who, over the years have been dumbed down by the flouride in the water and the aspartame in most of the processed food that they eat immediately downed tools and put on masks that didn't work but you can't have everything, and compliantly marched into lockdown, AKA Home Arrest, they lined up for the totally fallacious jabs and were eager for more and more with boosters no less, it was a resounding success.
So happy were they with their evil plan succeeding that they moved forward with 15 minute cities and 20mph speed limits, as well they gave us electric vehicles which as you probably know are an unmitigated disaster and all of this is with the intent to lock us in our own small areas where we can't rally against them, they are also planning CBDC's so that there won't be any money, no cash so all your wealth is dependent on them letting you have it or if you fail to maintain your Carbon Credit allowance they will cut your money off, same if you say the wrong thing on social media, you will swipe your phone or card and get the message, Insufficient Funds Available.
Now they also want slaughter cattle herds starting with Ireland so the only meat will be a printed concoction made of chemicals or, as they are now vaccinating beef herds with the same vax they used on you, contaminated meat, anyway that's not the real point of this post, what they have planned in the midst of all this is Sadiq Khans mayoral car plan, by this I mean that by 2030 they intend that there are no private vehicles, yes Bucky, no more hopping on the bike and heading off to Londinium for you and everyone else, you will stay within walking distance of your home and survive on the rations that they allow you, talk about The Prisoner, eh Pete, wink wink.
I could sit here and write for hours about this but the thing that I want you to see and understand is this link, this is serious, for those of you in the cities I would suggest that you do what Pete and I have already done, get the fuck out of there, I realise that this is an impossibility for a lot of you but do it if you can, I'm on your side here.
Good Luck.