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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. Polarising filters do that.
  2. Not only that but I get free rego (road tax) on one vehicle although I have to pay the third party insurance so my vehicle costs me 50p a day to keep on the road, comprehensive insurance is £11 pm and petrol is £1 a liter. Life is good for a pensioner here, actually just got an increase in the pension to £640 a fortnight. YMMV
  3. Free here if you're a pensioner, five year licences.
  4. It takes around 30,000 liters of water to put a battery fire out.
  5. The forum is as slow as fuck here, I wondered why.
  6. You have an eye for the camera, superb.
  7. Some BOTM photos there, looks good.
  8. When did their dinghy arrive ?
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