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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. Soon Grasshopper, soon.
  2. I got the tank of my sm today, what a c*nt of a job, however its only taken me 4 years so things are progressing apace.
  3. Wasn't that called weather before they taxed it ?
  4. No big deal, the leccy ones are bursting into flame all the time.
  5. I just looked up your time and weather, you're just up having a bacon butty and a cuppa then heading out to work in the pissing rain at a top of 12, however I'm sitting here at 6pm with a clear blue sky, a waft of a breeze and 19 with sunset in 70 minutes, tomorow is clear and 24, I'd be angry too.
  6. How to tell when your EV is fully charged...
  7. You need a holiday Bucky, are you on the whisky ?
  8. She was stalking me, however as a mature adult I ignored her, do you still have the raincoat and the false trouser legs costume and the Free Lollies signs ?
  9. Maybe you should stick to sitting down on busy roads, the real conspiracies are the climate hoax and the Covid hoax, no doubt you are fully vaxxed, you certainly seem to be that stupid. Tell me Buckles, when did the climate emergency start ?
  10. Here's what the UN said about it all.
  11. Oooh, oooh, you managed to to say conspiracy theory and put an emoticon after it, well I'm convinced, not sure of what but I'm damn well convinced of something, maybe of your inadequate IQ.
  12. Facts like jet fuel can't melt steel beams ?
  13. It's a fucking joke thread, if you want to bitch about politicians who are almost all totally useless start another thread. Trump 2024.
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