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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. When I was but a callow youth the Japs turned up with their bikes and I got a Suzuki T500 instead of a used Triumph, the Triumph guys weren't happy but they were fuckwits anyway and had to ride British bikes due to being club members but many of them told me that they wished that they had never joined the club because British is best and the zing zings wouldn't last and now look at the market.
  2. Going for the Harley market perhaps, hp per tonne.
  3. That's Bucky for you, always there with an encouraging word or two, thanks mate.
  4. Actually its nearly done but I need a few fiddly bits that I need to find but nearly there.
  5. It's a novelty but why would you want to pay a premium price for it, because it supposedly sounds like an old racing bike, the reality is that its an old evil handling almost brake free example of the widow makers of old, you couldn't realistically ride it anywhere unless you are the type that likes to amaze people with your fourth cylinder and if you think it will go up in value that would only happen if you were able to find someone as stupid as yourself to take it off your hands, so OK, if you buy it you can say that you have a Millyard 4 but its not like having a Britten or something, it's a novelty best owned by someone else.
  6. Today 0-13, its a factor of being out in the countryside, if there's no clowds the heat fucks off and the nights get very cool, my windscreen was iced over at 7.30am last week when i had to go to town early, meanwhile I found a pic of Bucky and his Facebook friends.
  7. With the temps down to minus numbers it can wait, first because its fucking freezing in the garage and second that its to cold to ride it anyway, however I do have the front almost fully done so I'll ad a photo later.
  8. zzzak


    Well he is a Gay cruiser idiot, what did you expect ?
  9. zzzak

    Guess who ?

    This could be him, just swap the horse for a Harley.
  10. zzzak

    Guess who ?

    Well you've got to start somewhere.
  11. Marcel is actually an OK poster so I think that you mean Hardleys only.
  12. zzzak


    You should go into politics, they need people like you.
  13. Buckles is projecting again.
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