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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. MAUI CLIFF NOTES 21 points 1. Governor Green, gives Green Speech to U.N. appox. 30 days prior to fire 2. hurricane position wrong for winds 3. gov. officials off island during fire 4. water off, power not turned off as precaution 5. school cancelled that day, result..... 100's children die in their homes 6. no warning.... sirens phone tv radio 7. no fire or emergency response 8. rich/celebs property unaffected 9. one witness said she saw people burning alive in the streets 10. boats anchored off shore burst into flames 11. trees still standing, glass, porcelain, metals, vaporized or melted. this indicates temps well above what a wild fire could generate.......directed energy weapons suspected 12. Police Chief denies residents entry into area claiming they would be walking on the ashes of the dead 13. Police Chief formerly Incident Commander for Las Vegas Police, responsible for investigating Mandalay Bay Shootings 14. People who are not in the effected area, are told if they leave they can not go back to their homes 15. locals in the past have refused to sell property to Blackrock etc. 16. day after fire, real estate agents call asking residents to sell 17. Insurance Companies refusing to pay, claiming properties violate city code 18. no emergency assistance allowed 19. no communications, wifi, cell phones, radio only. Drones are banned 20. Amazon offers book about the fire on August 10, 2 days after fire, blames global warming 21. Biden offers $700.00 assistance
  2. It gets better, the police were stopping people leaving. Remember when I said that the news was all bullshit, can you explain any of this ?
  3. Well who could have guessed ?
  4. And again. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QdCTtt8w5fAY/
  5. Maui to become the first SMART ISLAND Copied from someone on Facebook: The government of Hawaii states goal for rebuild is to make the entire island of Maui the first Smart ISLAND. They want the entire island governed by AI as outlined in the Hawaii Digitial government summit of 2023 that they have planned to host next month Monday, September 25, 2023 on Maui. Plans to implement a Digital AI government over Hawaii https://events.govtech.com/Hawaii-Digital-Government... Here is information about the smart cities Hawaii https://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100864936.pdf https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/.../32d42543-f8b4... https://shidler.hawaii.edu/itm/hicss https://hr.aom.org/hr/events/eventdescription... "Hitachi recently announced that it has begun operations on the demonstration site for the "Japan-U.S. Island Grid Project" (commonly referred to as the "JUMPSmartMaui") on the island of Maui, Hawaii, in collaboration with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Mizuho Bank, Ltd. and Cyber Defense Institute, Inc. An opening ceremony was held on Maui to coincide with the launch of site operations." https://social-innovation.hitachi/.../the-new-smart.../... Last January of 2023 there was a Smart City Conference in Maui to turn Maui in an entire smart city ISLAND. Pushing everything electric and making 15-minute smart cities Lastly, there was a contract last year that was signed to build high-rise condos and businesses in Lahaina.. which was a historical town that couldn't have any new development done to it.. but now It can.
  6. Fires in Hawaii, how come the buildings have been destroyed but the trees are OK. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/08/actual-footage-of-a-directed-energy-attack-like-what-was-used-in-maui-hawaii-jim-crenshaw-must-video-3669977.html
  7. Someone imagined that this would go over well with Joe SixPack.
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