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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. So if you crash your miracle car nobody will want to fix it, how many panel shops have the space to park them up when you need a 15 meter exclusion zone around each one, an acre is about 60m x 60m so lets take a look, at a 15m spacing and given that a car is about 2m x 4m you would need around 1/4 acre per car, not happening, these things are leading the pack as the stupidest idea ever dreamed up by the climate loonies, and that's not taking into account the disposal of the batteries weighing between roughly 550 and 770 kilos for Teslas, remember that if you own the car you are responsible for the disposal of the toxic waste known as the battery. Remember that God hates wind farms.
  2. Hey Pete, maybe it's time to play the prodigal son. https://xyz.net.au/2023/07/welsh-government-says-wales-is-too-white/
  3. zzzak


    Are you a hairdresser ?
  4. Six30, the early years.
  5. Did you get the shorts for Buckys birthday ?
  6. ULEZ a gogo. https://www.bitchute.com/video/j7nS50irLfjK/
  7. As per Buckys site, lets look at mass infertility. How about that eh, all the way from 31 years ago, as I've said this plan is decades in the making. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-mike-yeadon-a-catastrophic-drop?
  8. Vaccine Injury Treatment - Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy - the body's detox process that kills COVID-19 vaccine spike protein damaged cells and reboots the immune system https://makismd.substack.com/p/vaccine-injury-treatment-fasting? So if the jabs have made you feel sicker than you have ever felt in your life try it, you have nothing to lose.
  9. That's a Harley hat, I'm KTM through and through, I posted that to take the piss out of these morans who don't have a sense of humor, ffs, look at Buckys dad jokes, he actually thinks that bad puns are funny enough to share, how retarded is that ?
  10. Next up we have Bestiality, that should go down well here, after all many a Welsh lad has slipped on a sheep like she was a well oiled gumboot, your mileage may vary.
  11. Lets look at another of Buckys conspiracy theories from the site that he posted shall we ? Take Over Farming. Netherlands’ Land Grab: Government’s Proposal to Seize Up To 600 Farms Within a Year, by Force if Necessary Tens of thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to oppose new government climate goals that will force thousands of farmers out of business. Despite all of these protests, the Dutch government is now talking about state-forced buyouts of 500-600 farms as early as within the next year. In other words, the state could be forcing farmers to sell their land to the state. “Our criminal government has announced [on Wednesday, 5 October] that they’ll be speeding up the theft of our farmers’ land. 500-600 farmers will be forced to sell their land to the state in the next year. The farmers have announced new protests, so stay tuned, tweeted Eva Vlaardingerbroek. And this. John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’ Small farms are significant emitters of nitrogen, according to Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry who is pushing for the U.S. federal government to crack down on farming in America to combat “global warming.” Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN). According to the former Secretary of State, the world can’t tackle climate change without first addressing the agriculture sector’s emissions – and farmers in the US are front and center of his plans. “A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world,” he said during his keynote address. “We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.” Delivering these remarks at the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate Summit held in Washington, D.C., Kerry neglected to acknowledge the undeniable fact that the agriculture industry plays a vital role in providing sustenance and ensuring the survival of all approximately 8 billion people worldwide. In recent months, leaders in Western countries have significantly intensified their criticisms of the farming sector. In the Netherlands, regarded as a testing ground for the World Economic Forum’s anti-farming agenda, the Dutch government has been implementing initiatives to seize farmland. The Dutch government’s proposal to confiscate and close down numerous farms to comply with the objectives outlined in the global climate agenda has received support from the European Union (EU). The unelected European Commission in Brussels has endorsed a plan by Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who is a contributing member of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Recently, the governing body of the European Union officially endorsed measures to compel farmers to vacate their lands as part of the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme, which categorizes farms as significant emitters of nitrogen. Under the plan, farmers would be offered 120 percent of their farm’s value through a “buyout” program. However, those who decline this offer would face the risk of being forcibly removed from their land without any financial compensation. If this plan proves to be successful, it is likely to be replicated in other countries due to its alignment with the WEF’s global environmental agenda. But wait there's more. From NZ. Farmers have walked off the paddocks and driven into the big smoke in protest of the Government's emissions reduction plan. Tractors rolled into town, driving across Auckland's Harbour Bridge on Thursday in a Groundswell NZ protest called 'we're not going to take it'. Last week, a consultation document was released to the public proposing GST-registered farmers and growers who meet certain livestock and fertiliser use thresholds will have to pay levies on emissions from 2025. Groundswell NZ co-founder Bryce McKenzie said the Government's livestock emission plan is the "worst assault on New Zealand farmers and rural communities in a generation". The protesters are demanding no emissions tax on food production. And even more again. Irish farmers are protesting a proposal to cull tens of thousands of cattle a year to help Ireland meet its climate change goals. Irish government wants reduce emissions from agriculture by a quarter by 2030. Latest media reports This week suggested that one of the options under consideration was to reduce the national dairy herd by 10%, culling 65,000 cows a year for three years at a cost of €200m (£170m) a year. I think the point is made, merely claiming that something is a conspiracy theory doesn't make it so, these things really are happening and there's a lot worse to come, further down the list is the banning of private vehicles, so you had better ride your bikes while you still can. Bucky will now post either a stupid meme or his own photo, show us your boat race mate.
  12. Remind me, which part of Stuff To Ignore don't you get ? If you don't like it just ignore it.
  13. So you opened developer mode and saw your MAC address.
  14. Lets find the plane that hit the Pentagon, can anyone see it ?
  15. De Nile ain't just a river in Africa.
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