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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. Another one from your site, replace animal foods with synthetic meat. Well that was easier than I thought, did you know that they are planning to kill 200,000 cows in Ireland because of global warming, it seems that they fart to much so out they go, if you don't eat your meat how can you have any pudding, how can you have any pudding if you don't have any meat ? How am I doing so far, looks to me that I'm way ahead especially of that moron quoted on Buckminsters site, Dr Micah Goldwater, a cognitive scientist and senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, who explained the psychological origins of conspiratorial thinking. Have you ever read such a load of bullshit such as that, what is a cognitive scientist, a fucking liar is what he is, take a look at him, does this inspire confidence in you. He has a BA in Linguistics from the University of Rochester in 2003, completed his PhD in Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin in 2009. Total bullshit degrees, hardly a new great thinker is he, he reminds me of Meghan and Harry, just another grifter.
  2. By the way Bucky that website that you provided me with is called Honi Soit which comes from; Honi soit qui mal y pense is a maxim in the Anglo-Norman language, a dialect of Old Norman French spoken by the medieval ruling class in England, meaning "shamed be whoever thinks ill of it", usually translated as "shame on anyone who thinks evil of it". It is the motto of the British chivalric Order of the Garter, the highest of all British knighthoods, except in Scotland. In current French usage, the phrase may be used ironically to imply the presence of a hidden agenda or a conflict of interest.
  3. Good news on the bike front, after many years of living by the seaside my engine bolts were a bit rusty then I found this, after buying a power supply and a load of other shit to do my own zinc plating no less, for 2/5ths of fuck all I can get a matched set of stainless bolts and washers in the proper gold finish, my bike will be back soon. Watch out BOTM. He probably will but when he sees the reality he will go into denial, you should all do it, when I post stuff like this I really only have your best interests in mind.
  4. This is Stuff To Ignore, bikes are over there.
  5. Jaysus Bucky, is you the clever one in the Mods lounge or what, that website is gold, I shall have fun with that, let me think, I'll start with chip implants, get your phone into developer mode and enable unregistered Bluetooth addresses, you can find out how to do it here, then go to the shops and scan, you can see everybody who has had the Vaxx as they all have a MAC address, try it, everybody do this and see what a top 2% IQ sees when looking at the world. By the way it reads unregistered MAC addresses so don't confuse it with peoples mobiles as they are all registered, try it, this might wake your brain up a little, after all its mostly unused so far. Now ask yourself what 5G has to do with all of this, if you think those towers are so that you can download a movie in a few seconds then you're not thinking, they put up hundreds of 5G towers all over the place during the first lockdown, while you were busy cowering in your masks they were busy closing the net, once you are vaxxed you are a part of the network, you are now a genetically modified organism, as Nikolai Tesla once said "You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." If you don't know who Tesla was he invented alternating current and just about everything else electrical that we use today, look him up, he had a higher IQ than I do which is rare. Love you Bucky, kisses. Post a photo.
  6. You sheep fuckers are stupider than I thought.
  7. Halp, my stalker is a moran. Where's your photo Bucky, what are you ashamed of ?
  8. Oh look, my stalkers back, anyway its not paranoia, I love to travel, the problem is that Covid and poorly thought out government agendas has driven people out of the cities and they are towing their caravans and trailers all over the place, a friend of mine who came to visit last Sunday told me that 90% of the vehicles that he saw in the 70k trip were caravans and that the local camping grounds where he lives are full, it's the Australian version of Grapes of Wrath. As I had the wit and the luck to get out of Sydney to a country town in 2019 where I am now well established my very high IQ told me to stay where I was and wait for the mass deaths to happen between now and 2025 as per the agenda and then think about a trip. Also due to Covid shots, alcohol and methampthetamine abuse a lot of country towns are now no go zones, a bit like areas of London where the low IQ'ers are running rife, you can see them on YouTube, do a search for Mizzy or Just Stop Oil, we are facing a mass brain dead event.
  9. Lots of people here have posted a photo of themselves except for you, what are you ashamed of ? By the way I just got the new exhaust fittings sorted so the bike in nearly ready for registration but as its the coldest winter in 23 years I'm not in a hurry, also when I ride I ride, I don't ponce about with a twee little trailer full of Bud Light behind me and stop after 30 miles to camp it up.
  10. I'm not the ignorant one here and find your own memes in future.
  11. As I have mentioned before once the going gets tough they all run away with their tail between their legs.
  12. Do you mention me in every post that you make, seems to me that you're obsessed or something, by the way I'm way to smart to get an untested substance injected into me especially when the cunts making it are fully indemnified.
  13. You know that because I posted a photo of myself, you know the one, it's framed and on your desk, however we are still waiting on a photo of you.
  14. Wrong again, I read that rubbish years ago and it was as stupid then as it is now, it took them until 2004 to make the report because as they said, "We saw what happened" and it only had $4m funding, they also said "It was a failure of imagination" in that nobody could have imagined using Boeings as bombs even though the CIA had done a simulation of just that scenario, that report is for retards, now lets go back to what I posted and figure out why the BBC reported a 47 storey building collapsing into its own footprint when it was 400' from the towers and basically undamaged, it's pretty obvious that they fucked up the timing as the plane that was supposed to hit it was downed in Shanksville and therefore missed the big day out.
  15. Is anyone here unvaxxed for Covid, just wondering.
  16. NIST, you have great sense of humor, just ignore that bullshit and explain to me how that much kerosene melted the steel beams that held the towers up, while you're at it explain how three towers fell when only two planes were allegedly involved, maybe you could quote the BBC who had WTC 7 collapsing 30 minutes early, you really must try harder.
  17. Hey, don't be thick like Bucky, ones a nuke and the other was caused by jet fuel (kerosene) in small quantities. Pretty volatile stuff by the look of it, look what it can do. That much kero can bring down those two buildings, amazing.
  18. I did the tests and that was the result, one of the testers wanted me to grant an interview as he had never seen a higher score, I imagine that when your results came back there was much chortling, sniggering and admonitions to 'stick him in the army' to be heard, thick as mince.
  19. Still having trouble understanding physics I see, what a childish comment. Here's one for you, tell me what the difference is between these photos.
  20. https://www.bikeexif.com/custom-ktm-scooter-john-piper KTM 690, 17" laced wheels, decent brakes and suspension, looks like fun.
  21. Oh looky, another photograph of Earth. Hang about, if the Earth is lit up like that then the Sun must be behind the Moon so why is it dark, after all the Moon reflects the sunlight, did they take the pic at night ?
  22. Well well well, how long until this gets banned. https://www.ualberta.ca/folio/2023/04/researchers-discover-a-way-to-produce-hydrogen-and-purify-water-at-the-same-time.html
  23. Those huts fuck up the background, take a look at Rens photo to get the picture.
  24. With females it's hard to tell when the insanity kicked in but the death shots are going from strength to strength, as to the chemicals in the water the main offender is flouride, not only does it make a great rat poison but it also lowers your IQ, I get 15l bottles of pure local spring water here so I don't need to worry, like me it's uncontaminated. Just saw this, US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride’s Impact On Childhood IQ, how about that eh ?
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