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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. So is the Harley a pre unit, even Triumph went to unit construction in 1963, sadly they didn't think to split the cases horizontally so they kept leaving their mark, just like your Harley. However it appears that the new Indian has a unit construction engine/gearbox, maybe you should get one, there's even a trailer hitch available.
  2. This is great, Sweden has said GFY over this bullshit renewable energy scam, they re going back to nukes. https://slaynews.com/news/sweden-dumps-climate-agenda-scraps-green-energy-targets/ Hey Bucky, better go glue yourself to something to change their mind.
  3. So you have posted about me 17 hrs ago, then 10 hrs ago and now 25 minutes ago and you claim that you're not thinking of me, sounds like you're in denial.
  4. Do you and Bucket PM each other all through the night discussing me, sure seems that way, it sounds as if you both have a crush on me, sadly though and unlike you two I'm not a faggot.
  5. The future of clean air.
  6. Just another intelligent decision that I made after talking to someone with recent experience in the matter.
  7. Unlike you I don't need a tinfoil room, I live in the clean clear countryside while you live in a Dickensian slum.
  8. You didn't touch a nerve, I was merely pointing out to you that I am fully aware of the duplicity of your strawman claim that I am somehow a flat Earther when in reality I couldn't give a rats arse about it, you really are a bit thick aren't you although that seems to be a prerequisite for being a mod here.
  9. Hey Schlomo, who the fuck brought flat earthers into the equation, that's a sleazy technique called setting up a strawman whereby you accuse others of doing what you are doing, it's used by sub humans from the stolen lands in the Middle East, why you mention it to me is a mystery as I couldn't give a fuck about it, are you right in the head ?
  10. I'll look at it again next year, by then the Covid jabs will have reduced the population quite a lot, caravans will be cheaper as will everything else.
  11. Anyway I changed my mind, I gave a lift to an elderly gentleman who warned me off travel in the areas I was interested in, he told me that there are literally hundreds of cars and caravans all vying for the same spaces, that if you go near any native settlements you will get robbed blind in broad daylight. He said Darwin is a dangerous area as is Alice Springs and are best avoided etc etc etc, so I decided to stay in my little bit of paradise so that I can correspond with you and Hopalong. It's nice here, no traffic lights or parking restrictions, no arseholes, food is fresh and cheap, the butcher dresses his carcasses in the shop, the fruit and veg are grown locally, life is good. So I'm keeping the Nissan and selling the Pajero and will get the bike back on the road, can't wait to post my first ride report to show you trailer trash want a real motorbike is all about.
  12. I don't use weed, are you sure that you have the right thread ?
  13. You two should go on stage, The Three Idiots, the joke being that there's only two of you.
  14. You soon will be if you live in Germany, soon to be in Britain too I imagine. To all the 15 minute cities chortlers chortle this one.
  15. You have the worst case of foot in mouth disease I've ever seen.
  16. Own goal Bucky strikes again. By the way buck my IQ is in the top two percent, that's why you have difficulty understanding what I post. Just for you i'll do a special post on Ukraine later.
  17. It's a bit like Play School posting here, by the way Buckets, this is Stuff to Ignore so what are you here for ?
  18. Who mentioned Putin first, it was you wasn't it ?
  19. This is very telling, The US Coast Guard has found a piece of a deep-sea submersible in a “debris field” near the sunken wreck of the Titanic. The vessel’s five passengers all died in a “catastrophic explosion,” the military branch said. “A debris field was discovered within the search area by [a Remotely Operated Vehicle] near the Titanic,” the Coast Guard’s northeastern district said in a statement on Thursday. In a press conference later that afternoon, District Commander Rear Admiral John Mauger told reporters that the tail cone of the submersible was found amid the debris. So lets see what they are saying here, first that the sub exploded, you would think that the USCG would know the difference between an explosion and an implosion and not make fundamental errors in their reports, also there was a debris field, as the pressure at the depth of the Titanic is around 2.5 ton psi how would you get a scattered debris field, what you would have is a crushed sub like a squeezed beer can, once again it's all bullshit.
  20. Is that from your holiday snaps al-BUM ?
  21. Fighting the good fight, does anyone seriously think that 5G was invented so that you could download some shit movie in 5 seconds, also how come these towers are getting torched and there is no effect on phone or internet services, burn baby burn the fucking things.
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