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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. Another migrant then.
  2. My future house, costs the same as 4 weeks rent, I love how it pops up, tent up in 41 seconds, that's camping in style. https://au.adventurekings.com/undefined/undefined/undefined/kings-kwiky-mkii-hard-shell-rooftop-tent-improved-internal-bracing-2min-setup-100-waterproof-50mm-mattress.html
  3. Do not poke the Bear in his den.
  4. Eleven views in ten minutes, which part of ignore don't people understand ? Hey Pete, make this a sticky please.
  5. Madeline McCann mystery solved. John Podesta was Hilary Clintons Chief of Staff, his travel records show that he was in that area at the time staying in a house owned by known paedophile , Sir Clement Freud, here's what an Irish couple saw on the night. Here's what happened. I posted this because I think that some of you may be interested due to living in the general area.
  6. Thanks Pedro, what a great idea. I'll make the first post, those in The Old Dart may notice that their politicians are notably absent, there's a very good reason why. British politicians are a legitimate military target for the Kremlin, Russian Security Council deputy chair Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday after the U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly stated that Ukraine has the right to use force within the borders of Russia. Well at least they are targeting the real warmongers, the ones supplying ordnance to attack Russia with and not nuking the island, they must be looking over their shoulders for anyone with a Spetsnaz t-shirt on.
  7. zzzak


    I only posted this because I thought that some of you might like to get closure however if its all to much for your tender sensibilities put me on Ignore, I won't miss you.
  8. zzzak


    He's the patsy, they have been pursuing him for years and nothing, a few days ago they were said to be digging up a beach where he was camping six years ago, he's a paedo but he didn't take Madeline, look at what I said about Podesta, he operates at the highest levels of the American government, he's untouchable, the world is run by paedos, look at Pride moth and ask yourself how they can get away with all that trannie shit, society is totally corrupt, that's why I'm hitting the road.
  9. Raising on a busted flush as usual, the thing is that I am so far ahead of you in education that you have no comeback except for these pathetic efforts, not so long ago I was a racist, that didn't go very far did it, now I'm a paedophile but have a Government clearance for working with children, as you appear to lack cognitive skills the one girl told other pupils that she had a crush on me, how sweet, I never even had a conversation with her so your attempt to smear my reputation has fallen flat again, its in the nature of idiots to accuse other people of doing exactly what they are doing, and that's what you're doing you racist paedo twat.
  10. You can't even spell it correctly, it's paedo and is derived from paediatrics which is the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18. A pedo is a foot fancier hence the word biped or two footed, like ducks.
  11. You're on the back foot and it's slipping in your own shit however I will explain what I mean about racism in due course, it's 5.30am and the cat is hungry.
  12. You've got nothing have you, calling someone racist is one of the steps the left uses to discredit people and make them look bad, your power doesn't work on me.
  13. Pete, the mods are brainwashed numpties, get some new ones or the forums reputation will suffer.
  14. Really, you should tell my last girlfriend that, she would be very surprised.
  15. By the way do you realize that racism doesn't exist, that it's just another lie ? "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." -- Israel Cohen, World Zionist Organization, Communist Party USA You should listen to me Bucky, I'm the only sane person here part from Pete and six. “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” St. Antony the Great
  16. I see that you're in a very small space, I won't even bother with that nonsense except to say that you appear to be confused about your identity.
  17. So Bucky won't say where he was born and won't show us a photo, is he a darkie or a ginger, if you rearrange the letters of ginger it spells darkie.
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