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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. zzzak

    Sin bin?

    Squirrel prions in their brains.
  2. Thought Buckbuck was the one in the middle but what do I know, the one on the right is the pirate.
  3. I slipped a disc with all that entails and look forward to getting back on the bike, there was many a ride report posted by me on Maximum Bikes that got favorable attentions.
  4. I think Buckys sweet on me, look at how many times he tries to get my attention but sorry, not gay, nttawwt.
  5. Says Trailer boy. I love my topbox just as Pete loves his, pull up to park, remove dslr and lens, place helmet, gloves and other shit in the box, take photos, swap and ride home or do the same with groceries.
  6. Once its rideable I would love to, hoping to fire it up this Easter.
  7. Pete's not a mod, he's a site owner, could be you know who.
  8. KTM's breed jealousy by the looks of it.
  9. And here's Buckys fact checked anti gun twink having fun. https://newspunch.com/david-hogg-filmed-secretly-using-gun-range-and-firing-guns-while-laughing/
  10. Just to set your minds at rest I just took these, its a bit dark in the garage but you can see the same bike, with one new can on it and also todays forum front page.
  11. Do they get put up in four star hotels, be given clothes and phones and lots of benefits there, thought not.
  12. I think I saw that HD pic somewhere else.
  13. How I imagine the eventual outcome.
  14. It's mine alright, unlike lefties I don't tell lies, that bike you post photos of, whose is it really ?
  15. The one that attracted the chortling chuckler ? Now the climate morons have decided to take the matter into their own hands or will a fact checker call it bollocks ?
  16. Rong as usual, had it since 2008, been off the road for a while but about to get back there, have had the suspension done, stripped and cleaned the rear end and got new cans, over Easter I shall fuel it up and cross my fingers that it will fire, it eats tractors. Hey Pete, like the topbox?
  17. Who the fuck has a tow ball on bike, oh yeah, people with tractors that identify as bikes.
  18. Photo's in your link, your 'Fact Checker' link, who checks the fact checkers Buck, they're just a bunch of lying lefties.
  19. Why even accommodate them, stick them on a cargo plane and take them to Africa, there are probably a few dictators somewhere looking for slaves.
  20. By the way Bucky, that Hogg guy is a crisis actor and his father is FBI, he wasn't even at that shooting, he arrived later and he is also a faggot, is that why you chose his photo ?
  21. Never really looked at it, watch this space.
  22. Typical leftie response, appeal to the emotions, ignore everything else.
  23. Squirrel brain syndrome appears to be rampant here.
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