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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. That's one image, the fact remains that she is a Rothschild which is why politicians fawn over her and her climate lies.
  2. I don't recall making that claim, I just posted something that I found interesting, you're as bad as Bucky with his flat Earth conspiracy that he seems to attribute to me, nowhere did I say that I believe in what you just said just like I have never mentioned the flat Earth theory, for the record as far as I'm concerned the Earth is an oblate spheroid, but you are right on one thing, we have never been to the Moon in person.
  3. You flat Earthers never stop do you.
  4. 'zzzak is partially right but rather than resort to faked photoshop images' can you elaborate please, thanks.
  5. Harley Krishna Harley Krishna Krishna Krishna Harley Harley Harley Rama Harley Rama Rama Rama Harley Harley Bless you brother.
  6. It was there 11 years ago as well, here's some info about it from NASA.
  7. You have risen in my estimation, of course climate change is a hoax, it started as greenhouse gases and then global cooling followed by warming and when none of those happened they just grouped it all together and called it climate change, one size fits all. People that believe in it are brain damaged from eating squirrel brains which is more common than you think. Harley Rama Harley Rama Krishna Krishna By the way Greta is a registered actress who spent a day on her skool strike and was discovered by a journalist who happened to be walking past, wasn't that lucky, anyone want to take a guess at her extended family ? Imagine my surprise.
  8. "They warned the public to refrain from eating squirrel brains. This dire warning was prompted by 11 patients being diagnosed as being infected with a variation of mad cow disease named Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) during a four-year period. " This could be the reason for some of the posts.
  9. That very question could be applied to this remarkable footage, who was the cameraman and how did they get the footage back to Earth ?
  10. Now where was I, that's right, it's Ask an Astronaut time.
  11. Are you able to compose a sentence. Is a Ronald McDonald animated clown puppet as good as you get ? Great, I was worried.
  12. Are you OK Bucky, you appear to be having problems.
  13. It was, no footage of a re-entry, not a whiff of a capsule, are the Welsh on nongs ?
  14. There's a video as well where they say nothing. Had I been to the Moon you wouldn't be able to shut me up.
  15. The end of the story, let's ask the man hisself Mr Neil Armstrong, fuss man to libb on de Moon man. would he be ek cited bout it. lets look.
  16. We're looking for astronauts, must resist temperatures under 561f for extended periods. Portable A/C unit included on your suit. The idiot says that he'll do it
  17. If you watch this and still believe we went to the Moon you're not very bright.
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