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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. That's very nice of you Bucky, it appears that my perspicacity is not lost on you.
  2. The last time that I quoted a Jewish person I was accused of antisemitism, that was a letter from the most prominent German rabbi to Karl Marx, thick as mince.
  3. I don't have a problem with persons of a Jewish persuasion, just the arseholes.
  4. If that was the case he probably would have included them in the quote.
  5. Any people [Jews] who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong. Henry Kissinger.
  6. Glued yourself to anything interesting lately ?
  7. Well there are a bunch of victims lying on the floor in one picture and in another one he breaks the neck of a bottle with with his hand, that's not easy nor is it stupid, it wasn't a trick, as to the animal cruelty isn't this real bullfighting, a man versus a bull, no weapons, bulls love to fight, one on one versus a man and for that man to dehorn the beast with his bare hands is quite something I think , nevertheless YMMV.
  8. In this composite you can see him break the top off a bottle and break a brick in half and also break the horn off a bull that he was fighting, think you're tough, think again.
  9. If a man stands on a street corner with his mouth open for long enough a roast duck will fly into it, true story.
  10. zzzak


    The only time I use cinamon is in moussaka, try making this recipe, delicious.
  11. zzzak


    Mint, it might not be all over though, I still have the stick with it on.
  12. zzzak


    Didn't like the interface
  13. zzzak


    Well I tried, tried Win 10 and disliked it and then Mint which met with much the same enthusiasm so here I am back on Win 7, seems to be working OK.
  14. I just realized that its Harry and MeAgain, the famous climate loons. Royals on the forum, you've done well Pete.
  15. Thick as mince those two, in reading the councils response they mention most of the claimed points and they don't exactly deny it, we shall see what happens then won't we, out here in the Aussie Bush we don't get such entertainments as you lot.
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