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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/12/04/oxfordshire-council-to-trial-a-climate-lockdown-starting-2024/ Hahahaha, now you'll all be taking the bus, eating bugs and having gay sex.
  2. Gee, doesn't the resemblance stand out.
  3. http://stateofthenation.co/?p=31585
  4. Sorry there Bob but some of us have an IQ above their shoe size and are able to discern things.
  5. Maths class in school, teacher asks little Billy, "If I give you two cats then another two cats then two more cats how many cats do you have ? Seven says Billy. Ok says the teacher, lets try a different way, if I give you two apples then another two apples and then two more apples how many apples do you have ? Six . Great says the teacher, why did you answer seven to the cats ? I already have one at home.
  6. zzzak

    Nom Nom Nom

    Welsh Reportedly Eating Pet Food Amid Cost-of-Living Crisis.
  7. SEAGOON: It was such a winter's night as this when I, Lance Constable Ned Seagoon of Long Division, London River Police, was patrolling the river. Splash as body jumps in water. Wading through water. SEAGOON: I'll be glad when we get a launch Sergeant.
  8. Then how did you procreate, with a turkey baster and a Playboy magazine ?
  9. It sure looks like that you know how to have fun.
  10. This is how to make a burger, freshly minced prime beef with an 80/20 meat to fat ratio.
  11. I see that Marcel got rid of the pole up his arse and replaced it with a horse driving a tractor.
  12. OK, just don't tell the others mon ami.
  13. Wouldn't mind a Wing, rode a GL1000 in 78, liked it a lot.
  14. Just as I thought, Marcel is Bucky and vice versa.
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