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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. A nation without a language, a nation without a heart.
  2. I know one of ya said something but I'm not sure who.
  3. I'll be waiting young fella.
  4. 72 in about 90 days, that makes me the oldest, smartest and best looking.
  5. zzzak

    xt 660

    One thing that I really liked about my X was the fuel gauge, reset the trip meter when you filled it up and the light would come on at half a tank so you then knew what your range was, typically it came on at around 210k's.
  6. About the same price as 400ml of local honey, thought that I'd try it in this recipe, it was really good. By the way I'm in Australia which is attached to NZ by a bridge.
  7. zzzak

    xt 660

    I had an XT660X many years ago. always liked that bike although people at the time thought it a little odd but motards weren't exactly common back in 2007. I had Staintunes and a DNA air filter setup, it sounded great. Not mine but you get the picture.
  8. I had some genuine maple syrup in my chicken sauce so he's OK by me.
  9. Yep, there sure is something missing. I got to thinking about when I first came across him, it was Maximum Bikes and I had my XT660X and Kwaka Z9r so about 2007, it's been quite a while.
  10. Very sad news, am sorry to hear it, he'll be missed.
  11. Here's something for Pete to do while he's laid up.
  12. Not the kind of games that I want to play, I'm getting used to W11 and am blown away by this computer, it's unbelievably fast and only cost €390.
  13. Looks a bit like you but healthier.
  14. When the insurance runs out.
  15. Homo Sapiens yes unlike you and your Homo Erectus.
  16. Sorry but I'm not a homo.
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