Always comes round every few years.
I've had the full series on DVD for over 20 years.
You going to watch "Arrival"?
Second one is "The Chimes of Big Ben".
I'm going to try to get out early tomorrow because of the Cerberus heatwave!
And some places here are getting it much worse than that as well.
Land temperatures in Spain surpass 60C as deadly heatwave sweeps Europe!
So what you lot up to?
It was caused by the Flu/cough we had Jan/Feb........but I only noticed it early March. So it's been a while now!
Very difficult getting through last week in NL with it, and of course, the wife had a lot of grief with her back as well.
It's been in her name for years for two reasons!
1. We get taxed individually and I pay no tax on the Pension because it's less than 12K. If it was all in my name I'd pay tax on the total of Pension and Income combined.
2. The monthly payment goes towards a Pension for her in Spain.