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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. But she could report on how well it sits in the garage, and how long it takes for the battery to go dead!
  2. @Slowlycatchymonkey is the obvious one given her track record of buying any old Third World shit!
  3. Check out the Polish population!
  4. We took the kids to La Perla.......and Fatty didn't come down the stairs so we didn't have to see her stupid face!
  5. Looks like a runaway win for Sofia!
  6. Taking the grandkids for ice cream this morning. Just hoping the Fat Cunt doesn't come out screaming and shouting when we pick them up!
  7. Thanks for the good wishes everybody!
  8. Brilliant stuff Marcel......looks like you're going to have a lot of fun on that!
  9. This is my Honda and I am not gay! And in fact I think I've had more kids with more women than anybody else here!
  10. Where in Swansea was that taken?
  11. They have a Pride event there now?
  12. Some fashion ideas for @Marcel seeing as he has a new bike.....
  13. Gone really black here so I won't be out!
  14. I can understand in the case of old age or where somebody's health isn't what it was.....but for younger, able bodied people it makes no sense.
  15. Not a good day for many reasons! First off, I hit 69 today......how the fuck did I get this far? Unfortunately we've had more grief and abuse from the fat cunt over the last week or so.......and our son is leaving with the Removal van today. She leaves next Thursday! So we went round to say goodbye to him and the boys, and the Psycho had obviously told them to steer clear of us. So the kids were reluctant to come over to us and our son then pretended to be moving boxes to try and avoid getting into a conversation. The upshot is virtually no interaction to the point of being ignored, and no birthday wishes! Nothing whatsoever! Her parents are going to be here on Thursday to pick her and the kids up......so we're going to turn up and give all these Slavs a fucking straightener. We've had shit from her for nearly 7 years......and the last year has been torture. We've tried to be as reasonable and diplomatic as possible, but people like this only see it as a sign of weakness. Unfortunately for them, there comes a time when the diplomacy has to stop and the mood has to change! It's only at this point that these kinds of people realise how truly out of their depth they really are.
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