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Man of the Year 2024
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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. And it turns out that it'll be getting one next week! Cos my mate who fitted my handguards bought two.....and only used one! So I'm buying the unused one and he's going to put it on for me......because as I understand it, tools are involved. This is his G650GS......with the puck fitted! As you see, it doesn't look like it's falling over! So look out for a Puck-fitting report next week!
  2. Unfortunately you missed "The Clueless Zone" by 15 years Clive! Now that was a mental institution! @Tym was in charge and every member was called Julian Solos.......except for DA! And he'd spend all day arguing with multiple Julians!
  3. Unless they bully you of course! That's unacceptable! What you say @Clive @Swagman.........you may need to act as Minders for Six now I'm not there!
  4. Forums can start to veer in another direction.......I know that all too well. A concern of mine at the start was that this place would be looked at as a drop-in replacement for MB. And I made it clear then that this was not the case. Different animal altogether! The direction I wanted was to continue on the path of the original DSUK as it was in 2004.....which was when most of the guys came onboard. So they must have saw some value in it. And we've stayed true to that path ever since.......after all, this is The Last Chance Saloon for all of us! We gotta get this one right!
  5. No......these are Baps! From Henllan!
  6. Difficult to have a Forum War on Facebutt too!
  7. I'm hoping that people are going to rethink their browsing habits given the fact that it's been proven that FB is up to no good.
  8. You had Dagos running loose in Lincolnshire as well? Fucking illegals no doubt!
  9. ......at other forums to see what sort of footfall they get now, given the dominance that Facebook has had over the last 10 years. In a lot of cases, the sites are now ghost towns. And some of these go back many years and used to be very busy! When a major commercial outfit like CycleWorld closes their forum, it's a pretty strong indicator that the days of these sorts of platform have come and gone! What sort of fucking moron would open a forum now given the fact that all the potential clientele are headed in the other direction?
  10. These people are insane! Having said that, there's a fair few Covid-deniers out there who still think this is some sort of New World Order conspiracy.
  11. Are people wearing masks Clive?
  12. Shit! Sounds like things are really bad there! But I guess, like here, it's a consequence of letting people circulate at Xmas!
  13. What's that......some sort of deviant sexual practice?
  14. Wise words Tym! @Clive is going for a loaf of bread apparently......I know it's not exactly Ewan and Charley levels of adventure, but we gotta take what we can get! This is the situation here...... ......but that can change! So at the moment there's a chance of me getting out, but I ain't banking on it!
  15. Fucking psycho! She'd turn off somebody's Life Support machine just to charge her mobile phone!
  16. None of those Big Boy Mods stole your lunch box I hope @Six30?
  17. I remember crossing on that!
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