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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. Yeh.....I think you're right Michelle! Can you clarify @Pedro?
  2. Wow.......BOTM shot I'd say!
  3. I'm out of Solvol now......should arrive next week!
  4. Brilliant Chris! I love old school bike places like that!
  5. Takes a while to recover from stuff these days! I was shattered for days after cleaning the Beemer when I got it. And it was already pretty clean in the first place!
  6. Shit! He just lives on the dole then?
  7. Is it because his old man bought a Chinese bike?
  8. Father of the Brides are not expected to pay these days are they Clive?
  9. It's a Via Verde (Greenway) now.......no motor vehicles! But I took a wrong turning and ended up in there by accident! We've all done it!
  10. And ironically I can't post it on Social Media because I was there illegally. The location in question was an old Railway Tunnel.......no trains have gone through there for 36 years now! And it's in a very remote location! @Max GSSR told me nobody ever goes there so it would be fine.......however I came across 3 hikers at the end of the tunnel! Played the lost Tourist card so all fine......but to keep the charade going I obviously had to turn back and didn't get as many pics as I wanted! So here you go......this really is Dark Motorcycling!
  11. You rode that as I recall Pedro!
  12. I'm expecting similar here!
  13. I've let it run because it was Covid related.......but if it escalates because of the other "individuals" he's cited then it'll be nuked!
  14. No......Kawasaki have been way ahead on ugliness since they made Judge Dredd the chief designer.
  15. Fred......there's nothing in the rules of BOTM that stipulates that tyres need to be dirty! I mean.....if dirt was the key factor in BOTM evaluation we may as well just stick a photo of @yen_powell in the header forever!
  16. Yeh.....I thought it was Bruce as well. But in his defence it could have been the first time that he became aware of the fact that he was a Twat!
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